Page 98 of Nerd Girl

The last few weeks flashed in my mind. The way Sawyer did things. The walls that had come down. How well we all clicked. The heat. The passion. The fun.

Without fun, the rest falls flat.

What we had was real. I could see it. I knew it. “Don’t go. I love you.” Twice in one day. Wow.

Sawyer looked surprised. “What about Gage?”

“I love him too.” And I liked saying it. Over and over. To both of them. About both of them. “I have multiple best friends, why can’t I have multiple boyfriends?” It felt good to have Sawyer here. To have Gage here. To have picked them because I wanted them in my life and not because I was lost or lonely.

This—they—were incredible, and I was so excited to see what came next.



I was so glad this was how things turned out with Evie’s building. I’d hate to have to track Sawyer down and hurt him.

But that had never really been the issue, had it?

There was so much possibility that spread out before us, and I wanted to explore it all. While I wanted one thing specifically—Evie and Sayer in bed and naked—it probably shouldn’t happen quite yet.

“I hate to be the responsible one in the group…” I said.

Sawyer studied me. “But do you really? Hate it, I mean? I kind of feel you like holding it over us.”

I liked the teasing. “I do. Gage is lord and master now.”

Sawyer snorted, and Evie looked like she was biting back a smile.

“Make a guy feel small, why don’t you?” I fake-scowled at both of them.

Evie pressed her body to mine and teased her hand below my waist, to trace the outline of my cock. “Not small in any way.”

My voice caught and I turned half-hard under her touch.

“You were saying…? Something about being responsible?” Sawyer prompted.

I forced myself to back away from Evie enough that my brain gears started grinding again. “There’s a large metal beast in the back of my truck. We should put it away before we do anything else. And let Sawyer take a look at our success.” I opened the tailgate.

Sawyer’s expression shifted in an instant, as he focused on the robot. “Wow. You finished her.”

“Not quite.” Evie hovered her hand over the steel without making contact. “We found a few issues today that need to be ironed out, but we’re ninety percent there.”

“She looks good. How does she drive?” Sawyer asked. He helped me shift the small vehicle, and lift it from the back of the SUV to set it on the ground.

Evie reached into the box that had been next to it, and grabbed the remote control. “Amazing. Smooth reaction time. Smooth drive. You’re going to love it.”

“Can I…?”

Evie handed Sawyer the remote. “Of course. She needs to get inside somehow.” She stepped away to unlock the door, and she and I raised it.

It was amazing to see Sayer take the controller with so much reverence. This man was like day to night compared to the man we met in Wendover. He maneuvered the robot with immense skill, rolling it inside, accelerating and decelerating as if he’d been driving RC all his life. He smiled the entire time. He didn’t hesitate to take control.

Okay, that last one was Sawyer no matter how he was acting.

“We took video,” I said, as he navigated toward its resting spot.

“Does anyone get naked?” Sawyer asked.