Page 59 of Nerd Girl

“I guess I thought if I found a new place to fit in, the family business for instance, it wouldn’t hurt so much.” What the fuck was wrong with me?

“I didn’t do a full four years in the Marines, though it was close.” Evie’s voice was soft, but it startled me regardless. “Grandpa died a few months before my term was up, and I came back for the funeral. They discharged me early. He left me his store, and I did everything I could to lose myself in the people around me, including…” She blew a puff of hair out of her eyes. “I made a stupid mistake with a guy. The lies he told hurt a lot of people, not just me.”

“It wasn’t stupid.”

“It was. And then I did it again years later, with another man.”

I would much rather focus on her than me. “They were the ones who made the mistakes.”

“Uh-huh.” Evie radiated disbelief.

“If they lied and you chose to believe them, that says shitty things about them and good things about you.” I refused to examine those words closer, no matter how blatantly obvious they were.

Evie rolled her eyes. “We must have something in common that’s not depressing.”

I perched on the edge of the bed. “My car. You like my car. I like my car.”

“Your car is also depressing.”

I turned to face her, letting exaggerated disbelief show through. “My car is amazing.”

She snorted. “It leaked in the rain and ruined your clothes.”

“It’s a work in progress. Something doesn’t have to be perfect to be great.”

“Motivational. No. Really.” Was her tone shifting toward lighter? “And I’ll agree, it is a wicked cool car.”

“See?” At least I’d made my point about something. One point: Sawyer.

We kept talking, sometimes drifting toward the dark or sad, and other times sliding back toward dry humor and sarcasm. At some point, we both laid down again, mostly because a person could only sit on a hotel bed for so long before their back started to protest.

I didn’t realize I had drifted off to sleep until I felt the mattress shift next to me. The only light in the room was what spilled in under the curtains, from the parking lot. It was enough for me to see Evie slide into her shoes, and slip from the room, making sure the door latched quietly behind her.

The clock next to my bed said it was four. Oof. I should get some real sleep.

My eyes drifted shut, and drowsiness engulfed me. I rolled onto my side, and the faint scents of sawdust, ozone, and Evie’s shampoo teased my thoughts.

A sharp ache pinged in my chest at the reminder, and memories tumbled into my half-asleep brain. I wanted to stay in this cloud of barely-consciousness and Evie, and I kept my eyes shut, sinking into the visuals.

Her laughs when she was having fun. Her soft, sweet lips, hard against mine. Her bare skin and warm body underneath me.

The ensemble was enough to make me half-hard. I kicked off my pants and freed my cock. While I recalled her taste and the way she was both power and yielding, I stroked myself to fully erect.

Unlike a few hours ago, in my fantasy we didn’t stop making out. She was pinned under me. Then on top of me. Our clothes were gone, and our hands roamed everywhere.

The flash of thoughts had me gripping my shaft harder, as desire built inside me.

And now I was fucking her. Feeling her slick, wet warm wrapped around me. In the vivid but chaotic vision, Gage walked in on us. There was no argument or disbelief. Instead, he joined in. Kissing Evie. Kissing me.

Distinct images blurred to flashes of all three of us touching. Of me tasting both of them. Separately. Together.

Need tightened in my balls, and my dick was hyper-sensitive. My arm was tired, but I was so close. I couldn’t stop stroking. Faster. Harder.

I came hard, shudders racking my body as I jerked until I was spent.

As the consuming need faded, I slumped back against the mattress, and lay there. My eyes were closed, and the bliss lingered. I wanted to sink into the pleasant thoughts longer. To lose myself in them.

Consciousness bled in. Sleep wasn’t going to happen, and the waking dream had faded.