Page 56 of Nerd Girl

No clue where that came from either, but it was nice to say it.

“Uh-huh.” Evie’s skepticism was appropriate. “Why?”

“Why am I sorry?”


“Because you’re a great lay.” Wonderful. Sarcastic me was back.

She raised her hand, and I caught her wrist before she could slap me. “I’m kidding.” I pushed the assurance out quickly. “I’m sorry because it was a dick move.” I didn’t want to let go of her wrist, and the sparks flitting between us were more potent than the stars.

“But the sex was still good.”

Was she asking or telling me?

“The sex was incredible,” I said. “You don’t need me to say that, though.”

“Almost every woman likes the reassurance sometimes.”

Why was she still standing so close? Why hadn’t I let her go? Why were the scents of sawdust and ozone that lingered on her skin so intoxicating?

“Then allow me to reassure you. The sex was great, and on top of that, it was fun. Do you know how many people don’t know how to have fun during sex?”

Her smile was back, mischievous and tempting. “Too many.”

“You do know. Next question, which is better—sex after more than twenty years of longing, or sex with the guy you hate?” There was that part of me I didn’t understand, daring her to compare me to Gage.

She searched my face and relaxed some of the weight in her arm against my grip. “I don’t hate you, and I’m still not picking a favorite.”

Uh-huh. “You’ve already picked a favorite.” And it wasn’t me. “But tell me you’re not tempted by the thought of Round Two.”

“In the interest of your newly found appreciation for honesty…”

Was I holding my breath waiting for her to finish the thought? “Yes?”

“Very tempted.”

I let go of her arm to drop my hand under her chin. She was alluring in ways I couldn’t define.

Evie stepped back enough to place her out of my arm’s reach. “Tempted. Not a sucker.”

“It’s not like you’re with Gage.”

She raised her brows. “Not the point, and regardless, it is like you’re still you.”

This had just become a challenge again. Not only was she enticing, from the memories of how she sounded when she came to the defiance she faced me with over and over, but she was fun. Smart. Gorgeous.

“Would you let me kiss you if Gage was here?” I asked.

“Why would that matter?”

“The three of us had fun last time.”

Evie sighed. “Yeah, we did.”

Fuck the drive to prove I was right. This wasn’t about anything but her and me, like I said earlier.

And maybe a little about quieting the voices in my head. I had a feeling she was struggling with something similar, though I didn’t know what made me assume that.