Page 49 of Nerd Girl

“Do you two want to be alone? I can ask everyone else here to leave,” Aubrey teased.

I wrapped an arm around Evie’s waist. “That would be rude. We can go.”

“No.” Evie laughed and yanked me to her before I could pull her away. “You’re here, you’re going to see it through, damn it.” She was in a good mood tonight. Incredible, even. I hadn’t seen this much recently, and it was a good look on her.

“Are we good with him yet?” Like that Aubrey’s tone shifted to something less amused and more distracted.

I followed her gaze to where it was fixed on the door. Sawyer had just walked in, looking stupid-good in flannel, jeans, and cowboy boots. He even had the hat.

My mood slipped. “Why…?” Was he here? I couldn’t push the whole question out.

“He overheard Aubrey and me talking about tonight.” Evie was staring at him, too. “It’s not like he’s not allowed to be here.”

“So we’re not good with him,” Aubrey said.

“No.” Not ever.

Evie didn’t answer, and jealousy clawed its way through me. “Overheard you where?” I asked.

“Howdy, cow people… That sounded better in my head.” Alys joined us, draping her arms over Evie’s and Aubrey’s shoulders.

Ravyn was with her. “Are we drooling over Gage’s new boyfriend?”

Like that, Evie’s amusement was gone, replaced with a scowl. “What?”

“New guy comes to town, clashes with one of the local hotties…” Ravyn trailed off as she looked between all of us. “I so read that wrong. Ignore me.”

Evie shifted her body, nudging the group toward the dance floor and away from Sawyer. “He can go wherever he wants, unless Joystick makes him leave. Free country and all that. We’re here to enjoy the music.”

“And dance,” Alys said.

Evie nodded. “Exactly.”

That sounded great, except that as the music started, it quickly became clear Sawyer knew what he was doing, and I had two left feet.

It might’ve been easier for me to hide it, if we weren’t all doing the same dance, with me being one of the few people who couldn’t seem to find the beat. Evie and Alys tried to coax me through it. Aubrey and Ravyn were too busy snickering.

Why couldn’t I have picked the night with the mosh pit? The steps would be a lot simpler, and it would give me an excuse to elbow Sawyer one or five times.

About three or four songs in, I desperately needed a drink. A lot of what they served here was from the microbrewery Knox and I had, but I was in the mood for something stronger. I leaned my head close to Evie’s ear. “Gonna hit up the bar. You want anything?”

She shook her head. “Alcohol won’t make you dance better, it’ll just make you think you are.”

“Thanks for the tip.” I cut a straight line toward the bar.

I downed a shot of tequila. Losing control of my senses probably wasn’t as smart as it was tempting. I ordered a beer, and turned to watch Evie and the others. This was definitely a better way to participate—she made for an amazing view.

Sawyer stepped up next to me. “You were looking good out there. Why’d you stop?”

“Fuck you.” Whatever affinity or tolerance I’d had for him the other day was gone.

“Ouch.” Sawyer didn’t sound even slightly offended. “Are you sore because you suck at this or because I spent the day with Evie without your intervention?”

He what?

No. That was bullshit, and he was trying to get a rise out of me. “You didn’t spend the day with Evie.” He overheard Aubrey and me talking about tonight…

Sawyer shrugged. “Believe what you want. Doesn’t change my life. You can join us next time though. Maybe watch us play zombies.”