Page 24 of Nerd Girl

“You haven’t gone home to change yet.” Aubrey’s tone was as much teasing as accusation.

Because I’d gotten distracted chasing a rabbit down a hole that didn’t lead anywhere. “I would’ve gotten there soon.”

“How much longer do you need?”

I loved her for understanding. “Fifteen minutes. Tops.”

“I’ve got you covered.” Aubrey pushed away from the door and her skirt flounced with each movement. “I’ll be back then.”

I dove back into the accounting as she left. But I was still working when she came back.

“I’m sorry. I have to wrap this up, though,” I said.

She held up a bag, and crossed the room to stand behind me. “You work, I’ll do your hair.”

“I can’t work while you’re fiddling with my head. What are you doing to it?”

“I promise nothing you won’t agree with. Work.” Aubrey placed her hands on either side of my skull and pointed my gaze at my computer screen.

Fine. I tried to ignore the tugs on my scalp, and let Aubrey do what she was going to do while I paid a couple more bills and recorded the transactions. When I finished she was still going, but a moment later, she handed me a mirror. “All done.”

She’d put my hair into short spiral curls and I had no idea how since I didn’t feel any heat. I did look pretty cute. “I love it. Thank you.”

“Clothes.” Aubrey handed me a folded stack.

“I’m all gross from work.”

“Then I’ll wash them tomorrow. I have to anyway.”

Fair logic. I did a subtle sniff test of me—I should be good to go in public, and it wasn’t like I was getting laid tonight.

The thought flashed a pair of images in my head—Sawyer and Gage—and I hid a wince. I was never touching Sawyer again. Never talking to him if I could avoid it. And Gage was working tonight.

Not that I’d be sleeping with him anyway.

Dressed. I was getting dressed. Right. I unfolded what Aubrey brought me, and scowled at the crop top and stonewash jeans. “Oh.”

“What is that? Oh?” Aubrey asked.

I shrugged. “I expected something vintage.” Not that I minded. This was cute and practical.

“Early eighties, doll. It is vintage.” Aubrey grinned.

I scowled, but locked the door to my office so I could change without being interrupted. I didn’t care if Aubrey saw me—we’d all been friends long enough that changing in front of each other wasn’t new.

“I told Alys to meet us at Joystick’s instead of your house.” Aubrey perched on the edge of my desk, and the petticoat under her skirt flounced.

Fun. “Trivia Night?”

“Trivia Night.” Aubrey grinned.

“You do love me.”

Joystick’s was new enough that he was trying to cement the best nights for each theme or game. I don’t think he expected Trivia Night to be such a big hit, as he’d started with it on a Saturday. His themed restaurant had filled with a line out around the corner, and he’d had to turn people away.

Since then he’d hosted the game on random days, trying to find the least busy one for the activity. Apparently we were a town full of dorks—which I loved. Also, people would drive for an hour or two, to visit the famous former child star’s restaurant, so that meant it was typically crowded anyway.

When I was ready, Aubrey and I headed out. We only had a couple of blocks to walk. While we strolled down the street, Aubrey asked, “What’s your next free night this week?”