All of them are dressed to kill in heels and tight little dresses. My eyes immediately go to Emma in a short black dress that hugs every curve. She has some skin showing under her breasts where her dress is cut out. Her long tanned legs end in black high heels. “We’re in trouble, boys,” I say under my breath, unable to take my eyes off her as they walk to us.
“You’re telling me.” Cole takes in Skye’s little red dress that’s similar to Emma’s.
“Shit, you guys have your girls, and I’ve got two to watch over tonight.” Mav eyes Sophia and Bella like they need to put sweats on.
“You look amazing,” I say to Emma as she approaches me, kissing her softly.
“Thank you. You look handsome as ever.” She beams and takes in my dark jeans and black fitted t-shirt.
“Geez, sis, do you have to show so much skin?” Mav says to Sophia. “Don’t you have like a pantsuit or something?”
“A pantsuit? What am I, a lawyer, about to go to trial?” She laughs. “There’s nothing wrong with my outfit.” She looks down at her pale pink fitted dress. “I even got cute heels to match.” She lifts her pink high heels to show him.
Running his hand over his face, Mav looks at Bella. “You do realize that you’re going to give every guy a heart attack when you walk into the club tonight, don’t you?”
“That’s the plan,” Bella says, grinning at him. “Sophia and I went shopping yesterday just for tonight. She looks down at her two-piece blue dress that matches her eyes perfectly. Her long blond hair is curled in waves down her back. “I even got a new belly button ring for the occasion.” She points to her toned bare stomach with the sparkling diamond.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Mav mutters.
“You all look beautiful,” I say, trying to cool Mav down. “Just stay close to us and don’t take any drinks from anyone but us.” I remind them of the dangers.
“We know, we know.” Sophia rolls her eyes. “It’s not like we haven’t been to a club before. We’re smart and take care of each other. Both of you worry too much. This is supposed to be fun.”
“Fun is not seeing a kitten put into a lion's den,” Mav says, shaking his head.
“Kittens are too cute. We’re more like sleek, sexy panthers that can take care of themselves in a lion's den.” Sophia high-fives Bella and laughs.
“Let’s just get going before I change my mind.” Mav grabs his keys off of the table. “I guess I have the two panthers with me, and we’ll just follow you guys to the club,” he says as Bella and Sophia start laughing.
“Sounds good.” I grab my keys and take Emma’s hand as Cole and Skye follow us to my truck.
We head out of town as Emma and Skye crank up the music and sing their hearts out to the latest Taylor Swift song. I look over and grin at Emma loving that she’s having so much fun. I put my hand on her thigh as she covers my hand with her own.
A little while later, we arrive at Roxy’s and pull into park. The place is packed as music filters out into the parking lot. People are talking and drinking on the bottom and upper deck outside to get some fresh air. Luckily there’s no line outside, so we get right in once they’ve checked our IDs.
The club has two levels, with the dance floor being on the first level. The upper level has tables overlooking the dance floor and booths in the back for more privacy. The bottom level has a huge dance floor with tables lining the back wall. Both floors have servers taking drink orders and several bartenders behind a bar serving drinks. We find a table on the first floor since the girls want to dance. We sit down and give our drink order to the waitress who comes to our table.
“Have you guys ever been here?” Emma asks us as we wait for our drinks.
“Sophia and I have only been here a couple of times,” Bella says, looking around and seeing who’s here.
“I’ve been here a couple of times with Mav. He’s been here the most. He’s probably broken many hearts in this place,” I laugh.
“I can’t help it if there’s only one of me to go around. I’m always honest about the no-attachment thing. It’s not my fault they keep falling in love with me.”
“Whatever,” Bella says, rolling her eyes and taking her drink from the waitress who just came to our table. She takes a long sip of her margarita. “Let’s dance, girls!”
Sophia and Bella get up, pulling Skye and Emma with them. Laughing, Emma takes a drink before being pulled away. “I guess I’m dancing now.” She grins at me and gives me a quick kiss before catching up with the girls.
The boys and I nurse our beers as we watch the girls on the dance floor. I watch, mesmerized by the way Emma moves her hips and sways to the music. She catches my eye a few times and winks at me before turning to the girls and laughing at something they said. A couple of guys try to approach them, and I watch as Emma and Skye shake their heads and point to our table. Sorry boys, they’re taken. I notice one starts to dance with Sophia, and I see Mav tense beside me.
“Relax, Mav. They’re just dancing. Your sister will let him know if he goes too far. She’s not a kid anymore,” I chuckle.
“It’s not my sister I’m worried about,” he says, gripping his beer bottle like he’s going to break it and staring hard across the dance floor.
I look to where he’s staring and see Bella and some guy dancing on the far side of the dance floor. He’s got his hands on her waist as they move closely together. She laughs at something he says, and I relax a bit. “She’s just having fun, Mav. Bella knows how to hold her own.”
“He doesn’t have to touch her like that, though. It’s a fast song, for fucks sake.” His voice is heated.