“I’m definitely not opposed to the idea. I could get used to this. I’m literally sitting here tanning on a beach the day before Thanksgiving,” she laughs.
“I know, right! I absolutely love it! Seriously though, talk with Cole and see what he thinks. You never know. Maybe one day, we’ll be sitting here while our kids play in the sand together. We could sip on wine while the guy's golf.”
“That does sound amazing. Speaking of wine, let’s get this girl’s day officially started.”
“I like the way you think.” I laugh and grab the wine from the cooler.
Skyeand I are giggling from the wine and finishing up making the salad for dinner when we hear the guys come in. Pulling the chicken and potatoes out of the oven, I sit it down on the stove as Noah and Cole walk in with their arms around each other. Not sure who’s holding who up as they head our way laughing at something. Noah’s eyes light up when he sees me. He walks over to me with a lopsided grin on his face.
“Hey, baby.” He gives me a loud kiss on the mouth. “I missed you,” he says, burying his face in my neck.
“I missed you too. I take it you guys had fun?” I laugh when he lightly nips me on the neck.
“We had so much fun. I won, too,” he says a little louder for Cole to hear.
Lifting his head from his hug from Skye, Cole looks at him. “You only won ‘cause you kept giving me drinks so that I wouldn’t play as good.”
“You keep telling yourself that.” Noah laughs.
“Tell him, baby,” he says, looking at Skye. “You know I’m better at golf than he is,” he whispers loudly.
“I know you are, babe.” Skye tries to be serious and hold her laugh in. “Are you guys hungry? Dinner’s done, and you should get something into your stomachs.”
“I’m starving,” Noah says, grabbing a potato wedge from the pan and plopping one in his mouth. “Damn, that’s hot,” he says, holding his mouth open and fanning his mouth.
“Let me get you guys some plates.” I giggle, catching Skye’s eye as she watches her boyfriend try to pull out the stool.
We sit down to eat dinner as the guys amuse us with their golf stories. I’m so happy Noah and Cole get along so well. Skye takes Cole back to my place as soon as dinner is done to get Cole to bed. I turn off the lights and lead Noah up the stairs. I help him undress as he watches me with a goofy grin on his face.
“What’s with the grin.” I look at him with amusement in my eyes.
“I was just thinking how beautiful you are and how lucky I am that you’re mine.” He sits on the bed so I can help him with his shoes.
“I’m lucky to have you as well.”
“One day, I’m going to marry you,” he says in a loud whisper like it’s a secret.
I look at him, my heart in my throat. I see the love shining in his eyes. “One day, I’m going to marry you, too,” I softly say, unsure if he’ll remember this tomorrow.
“Good,” he says, laying back on the bed and closing his eyes. “Because you should only marry people you love, and I love you a lot,” he murmurs before snoring softly as he falls asleep.
Brushing a piece of hair back that has fallen in his eye, I whisper, “I love you a lot too.”
Opening my eyes,I squint at the sunlight coming through the windows. My head is pounding, and my mouth is dry as cotton. I see water and two Motrin sitting on the table next to me. I swallow the pills down with a full glass of water. I look over at Emma and smile as I watch her sleep. I brush my hand over her hair, loving its softness as she opens her eyes.
“Hi.” I smile at her.
“Hi. How are you feeling there, Tiger Woods?”
“I’m going to live,” I laugh. “Thanks for taking care of me last night. It’s all a bit fuzzy, but I’m pretty sure you helped me to bed and were responsible for the lifesaving water and Motrin this morning.
“I am,” she says, laughing. “You guys sure did have fun yesterday. Cole was even worse than you were. I can’t imagine what he’s feeling like now. I’m sure Skye had her hands full,” she giggles.
“I’m sure she did,” I chuckle. “He’s a great guy. I can see why you love them so much.”