Page 73 of Connected By Souls

She lightly smacks my arm. “You did not.” She giggles.

“I brought you back to my house. You still have your overnight bag here, so I thought that would be okay.” I turn off the engine and help her out.

“I’ve been dying to get back into your tub for a soak, so I’m not going to decline the invitation.”

“I knew that bath would be a good purchase. It’s worth every penny I spent.” I wink at her and grin.

Walking into the house, Emma gets down on her knees and greets Nala before we take her outside for a bathroom break. “Why don’t you get the bath ready, and I’ll get us some dessert.”

“Mmmm, chocolate?”

“Definitely.” I watch her walk up the stairs admiring her behind in those jeans. I hear the bath water start a few minutes later while I cut up some strawberries and drizzle chocolate on them. Grabbing a bottle of Prosecco and two champagne glasses, I set everything on the tray and take it upstairs.

I walk in and see her hair up in a bun with bubbles up to her chin. She’s leaning back with her eyes closed. I can’t help but stop and stare at her beauty. I wasn’t kidding at the bar when I told her she would be my wife someday. I would get married tomorrow if I could, but I also know that last month Emma had no clue that the idea of me even existed. I’ve had my whole life to grow up with her and get to know her in my dreams. I have no doubt she has strong feelings for me and wants to be with me, and that’s enough for now.

Walking over and setting the tray on the small table next to the tub, she opens her eyes and smiles. “I seriously was not lying when I said I could live in this bathtub. Give me a good book to read and a glass of wine, and you may not see me for hours.”

Grinning, I grab the bottle of Prosecco and pop the cork filling our glasses and handing her one. “I definitely could get used to you in my bathtub for hours. It’s becoming one of my favorite things to watch.” I grab a strawberry and hold it up to her mouth. She takes a bite, and chocolate dribbles down the side of her mouth. Before she can swipe it away, I lean down and lick the corner of her mouth, loving the taste of her mixed with chocolate. “Mmmmm.” I lick my lips. “Have room for one more in there?” I ask.

Watching my every move, she nods her head. I remove my t-shirt and pants feeling her eyes on me as I lower my boxer briefs to the floor. My body is already ready for her just by being in the same room as her. I sink into the tub opposite her so we’re facing each other. I see her take a big sip of wine as I reach for mine and take a drink. Feeling the cool bubbly liquid slide down my throat, I reach for another strawberry and take a bite.

“The chocolate tastes way better on you.” I grab her legs and bring her closer to me. Gasping at the sudden movement, I see her chest rise and fall faster. I can tell she’s aroused as I put my finger in some of the chocolate and slide it down her neck before slowly licking it all up. “Much better.” I lick my lips as her eyes turn a darker green. Taking some chocolate, I rub some on her bottom lip before licking and sucking it off. I hear her moan softly, feeling her breath on my face.

“Hmmm, this won’t do at all.” I look at her breasts, mostly underwater and covered in bubbles. I lift her and settle her on top of me so she can be higher up. Straddling me, I brush away the bubbles exposing her to me. The cold air hits her nipples, making them instantly hard as I dip my finger in chocolate and place some on her collarbone. I lick and suck her sensitive area before biting softly, just the way she likes. Arching her back, her breath increases as she starts to rub against me. Damn, that feels good. My body is swollen with need as I apply chocolate to her breasts wanting to feast before I sink into her. I savor the chocolate and taste of her on my tongue as I hungrily devour her breasts, licking every inch of her clean.

“Please,” she begs. “I need you inside me.”

“Baby, that’s the only place I ever want to be.” I lift her and lower her back down in one hard thrust filling her completely. “Fuck,” I breathe. “You feel so fucking good. I can never get enough of you. This body was made for me.” I lift her up and down, making each thrust harder and deeper than the last.

“Oh, my God!” I hear her cry out as I increase the pace loving the way her breasts bounce against me. I feel her clench around me as she cries my name, setting me off to explode inside of her, both of us riding out the pleasure together. She falls against me, breathing hard. I wrap her in my arms as our heartbeats start to steady. “Was it always this way between us?” I hear her whisper against my chest. “This intense, this..good?”

“Yes,” I say softly.

“How did you do it all these years? These dreams that you had of us, being able to feel this much intensity, this much passion, and not being able to actually have me. It sounds like more of a curse than a blessing.”

“I never once thought it was a curse. I’m not going to lie, it was very hard, but if dreams were all I was going to get in this lifetime, then I would rather have the memories of you than nothing at all,” I admit quietly. “I’m just really, really fucking glad you’re here, and I don’t have to live with just memories.”

“I’m glad I’m here too,” she says, holding me tighter. I feel her start to trace my tattoos. “It’s the lighthouse,” she whispers, sitting up to get a better look at it. She traces the lighthouse on my arm before she moves to the palm tree on the beach with a barrel wave in the distance. “That’s why you have a lily, isn’t it? You knew it was my favorite flower.” She traces the lily.

“I wanted something on my arm that reminded me of you.” She traces her finger along the underwater scene and spots the small dolphin in the background. “A dolphin,” she smiles.

“We would spend hours at the beach with our kids, and you would always get so excited whenever you spotted a dolphin. Your green eyes would light up, and I remember thinking you were the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” She continues along, seeing the waterfall. “We used to have a waterfall by our cottage in the woods. It was our favorite spot in the world. I’ve had many dreams about what we did in that waterfall.” I grin at the memories. “That’s why I love them so much.”

“Most of these are our memories,” she says in awe as she continues to trace her fingers along the ink as tears fill her eyes.

I wipe away her tears. “Please don’t cry.”

“I just wish we could have met sooner so you didn’t have to endure this longing for so many years. I felt you, you know,” she says, looking up at me.

“What do you mean,” I ask, confused.

“When we used to vacation here. I felt the pull back then, but I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was the place, but even as a kid, I knew I belonged here. It wasn’t the place like I thought, though—it was because you were here. We could have been on the beach with our families on the same day or walked down the street and passed each other. It just would have been so different if we had met earlier, so you didn’t have to go through this alone.” Tears silently fall down her cheeks.

Gathering her in my arms, I hold her tight. “Please don’t cry. Everything happens for a reason, and it was supposed to happen this way. I wasn’t alone. I had you every time I closed my eyes. You were with me even when you didn’t know it. All that matters now is that you came back to me.”

Lifting her head to look at me, I wipe her tears as she smiles. “I’ll always come back to you.”

“Always,” I whisper, kissing her softly.