Page 71 of Connected By Souls

“Definitely, so get used to it.” Noah kisses me on the lips.

“I think it’s sweet,” says Bella. “At least someone around here is capable of being in a relationship.” She looks at Maverick.

“Oh, I can do a relationship if I wanted to, but why would I want to? I’m free to do whatever the hell I want to do, and besides, there are too many options out there to settle for just one.” Mav grins and takes a drink.

“You just haven’t found the right one. When you do, she’ll be the only option you ever want.” Noah says, looking at me. Blushing, I squeeze his hand.

“Well, I’ll believe it when I see it.” Mav looks doubtful. “You guys ready for some pool?”

“I’ll just watch,” Sophia says. “Bella, you can be partners with my brother.”

“Great,” Bella mutters.

We all walk to the pool room, and the guys begin racking up the balls. I head to the bar to get us some more drinks wanting to pay for this round. As I walk back to the table, I notice Noah talking to a petite blonde on the other side of the room. She looks a little too into him if you ask me. I sit down at the high-top table next to the girls and set the beers down. “Who’s that?” I ask, nodding my head in the direction of Noah.

“Oh, that’s Bayleigh. She’s had a thing for Noah since forever. I think he made the mistake of sleeping with her once, and she was planning the wedding the next day,” Sophia laughs. “She’s so clingy that Mav even stays far away. Total psycho.” She moves her finger in circles by her head.

“He slept with her?” I ask as jealousy fills me. I watch as she puts her hand on his arm at something he says. He takes a step back like he’s afraid to get too close.

“Yeah, but that was a long time ago. He never even committed to anyone before you. The girls all know Noah is a one-time thing, but it’s like a game around here to see who will be the one to finally snatch him.” Bella says. “You have nothing to worry about with her, though, or anyone for that matter. I know my brother, and he’s as loyal as they come. No one could turn his head from you.”

I watch as Noah glances my way and runs his hands through his hair, looking nervous.

“You better go over there and save him, Emma,” Sophia says, laughing. “He’s looking like a kid trapped in a corner with a hungry tiger looking at him. She’ll talk his ear off and never let him go.” They both laugh.

Trying not to let the jealousy control me, I walk over to Noah. I hear him sigh in relief as I take a place by his side. He puts his arm out as I snuggle in close to his chest. “Hey baby, I missed you. What’s taking so long?” I ask, pouring on thehe’s mine, back offvibe.

Trying not to smile, Noah says, “I’ve missed you too. Bayleigh was telling me about her new job. Emma, this is Bayleigh. Bayleigh, this is Emma, my girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” Bayleigh asks, glaring at me.

“Yes, girlfriend.” Noah smiles at me and hugs me closer.

“I haven’t seen you around here. Are you new?” She looks me up and down as if she’s trying to figure out what I have that she doesn’t.

“I just moved here from Tennessee.”

“And you two are already a couple?” She asks in shock.

“When you know, you know.” Noah kisses my forehead.

“We better get back to our game, honey, so that we can get home. Remember you promised me we could do that thing you told me about that you’ve always wanted to try?” I look up at him and bat my eyelashes.

Laughing before turning it into a cough, Noah says, “Yes, we definitely are doing that tonight. Have a good night Bayleigh.” He walks us back to the table. I turn to look at Bayleigh, and she’s staring wide-eyed at us before she storms off.

Noah leans down and whispers in my ear, “The thing I told you about that I’ve always wanted to try?”

I start to laugh. “It’s all I could come up with. Girlfriend?” I ask, raising my eyebrows at him.

“I know I didn’t officially ask, but it’s a given to me. Is that okay with you?”

“I didn’t need you to ask me. It’s a given for me too. I have a boyfriend,” I giggle.

“Don’t get too used to the title because fiancé and wife are my end goal.” He winks at me before going over to Mav. My heart does a little flip over his words as I follow him.

“Thanks for the save Maverick,” Noah says to him.

“And get in the crazy girl's sight? No way. I don’t even want her to know I exist, especially since her top pick is now taken. It looks like Emma did a good job of saving you. Whatever Emma said worked because the glare she gave your back as you walked away was deadly. I would sleep with one eye open the next few days.”