Page 63 of Connected By Souls

“Well, at least there will be plenty of time to tell her everything during this storm because we may be trapped inside for a couple of days. She’ll have no choice but to listen to why you didn’t tell her right away.”

“That’s the plan,” I grin. “There’s no escaping this time.”

Having my mom know and understand sends a wave of calm through me. Looking forward to tonight and talking with Emma, I smile and return to work unloading the sandbags.

By nightfall, I head straight over to Emma’s. Everyone has prepared the best we can, and now we wait and see. The winds have picked up by the time I get to her house, and rain has started to fall. Still hours from landfall, we’re in for a long night.

I knock on her door and hear her footsteps as she opens it. She has her phone to her ear as she listens to what the other person on the line is saying. Opening the door wider for me to come in, she talks to the person on the phone, “I’ll be fine. The weather report says it may lose strength and only be a Cat 1. My windows are new, and I’m high enough in elevation that the water shouldn’t reach my deck.” Glancing at me, she looks away before answering the person on the phone. “He asked, but I told him the same thing I’m telling you—that I’ll be fine. You’re worrying too much over this,” she sighs. “No, he’s not at home. He, um, just walked in.”

She glances at me again. “Why do you need to talk to him?” Hearing the commotion from the other end of the phone, she throws up her hands. “Fine! I’ll put him on speaker.” She puts the phone down on the counter and crosses her arms over her chest. She looks pretty annoyed. “They want to talk to you. Cole, Skye, I’ve got you on speaker. Noah, this is Cole and Skye, my very annoying and overprotective best friends from Tennessee,” she says in a huff.

Wondering what they want to talk to me about, I lean down and put my arms on the counter by the phone. “Hi. It’s nice to meet you guys. Emma has told me a lot about you both.”

“Hi Noah, this is Skye, her overprotective and annoying friend that she knows deep down is right like always,” she adds for Emma’s benefit while Emma rolls her eyes.

“Hey man, it’s Cole, the other overprotecting friend, but I think the annoying part only applies to Skye,” he says, laughing. “Ow! Why did you hit me?”

I know I’m going to love these two. I grin at the phone.

Skye’s voice filters through the speaker. “We just wanted to talk to you to make sure you won’t let Emma be alone tonight through this storm. We’ve been watching the news and know nothing about hurricanes, but it might get pretty scary there. Emma can be stubborn, as I’m sure you know by now.”

“Hey!” Emma butts in.

“Well, you can be, and we all know it.” Cole puts his two cents in.

“I have no intention of letting her stay here tonight by herself. That’s why I stopped by. If I have to throw her over my shoulderagain,” I say, winking at her, “then I’ll do it.”

“Do I get a say in the matter?” Emma puts her hands on her hips and glares at me.

“No,” the three of us say at the same time.

“I’m glad we’re on the same page,” Skye tells me. I hear her hesitate before she continues talking. “Emma told me everything that happened between you two, knowing that I would never let your secret out. I don’t know your reasoning for keeping it from her, but I hope it’s good. I truly hope you guys can work this out because I do think you have something very special like Cole and me.”

Looking at Emma, I answer Skye. “I do have a good reason, and you’re right. We do have something very special. I don’t intend to ever let her go.” I don’t break eye contact with Emma.

“Good,” I hear Skye say. “And Noah?”

Turning my attention back to the phone, “Yes?”

“Don’t make Cole and I come to Florida to hunt you down if you hurt her. I will wreak havoc in your life faster than this hurricane will.”

I look over at Emma, and she’s trying hard not to laugh. “I have no intention of ever hurting Emma. If I ever do, I’ll personally buy you that plane ticket to Florida so you can kick my ass.” I grin at the phone.

“Glad we’re on the same page. Emma, promise me you’ll stay with Noah. If that storm increases in the next few hours, I don’t want you by yourself. Please don’t make me worry about you all night long,” Skye begs.

Emma looks at me, and I grin, knowing she won’t say no to Skye. “Fine, I promise.” She looks annoyed.

“Good girl,” Cole says. “Keep us posted and call us later to let us know you’re both safe. We love you, Emma.”

“I love you both, too.” Emma’s eyes go soft as she smiles at the phone. She ends the call as I stand there and grin at her. “What?” She asks, irritated.

“I like them. I didn’t want to fight you on this, and I’m glad they agree with me. I had kidnapping as plan B, but this is so much easier.” I try to keep the grin off my face and fail.

“I wouldn’t get too happy if I were you. We still have a lot to talk about, and you’re still in the doghouse.”

“We’ll have plenty of time to get everything straightened out. It looks like it’s just you and me for the next twenty-four hours.” I wink at her and ignore her eye roll. “Let’s grab what you need for the night, and I’ll have you follow me up to my house so we can put your Bronco in the garage with my truck, where it’s safer.”

Her eyes turn soft at the mention of her dad’s truck. “Thank you. I didn’t even think about my vehicle. I definitely wouldn’t want it getting banged up.”