“Very good.” His hand goes up my neck as he pulls the string from the top. Sliding his hand down my back, he pulls the second string before my bikini drops to the ground, exposing my breasts to him. “So beautiful,” he whispers before he lowers his head to capture my nipple in his mouth.
Needing to grab onto something before my legs give out, I grasp his head and thread my fingers into his silky hair. Moaning against me, he bites down gently before sucking and licking. The pleasure is so intense that I cry out.
“Please, Noah,” I beg, needing to be released of this intense desire.
I can feel him smiling against me as he moves to give the same attention to my other breast. I grab onto his hair harder. “I’ve got you, baby. I know just what you need. Trust me,” he breathes. He makes his way lower, kissing and licking my stomach. Rain pelts the side of the lighthouse matching my built-up frustration.
With his hands on my hips, he unties the string on my sides as my bottoms hit the floor. “So beautiful,” he says again, feeling his breath on my sensitive spot. Grabbing me by the waist, he lifts me onto the edge of the table, setting me down on the towel. “Now I get to taste,” his hungry eyes find mine before he lowers to sate his hunger.
Heat consumes me as I feel his tongue slide up, parting me. “So good,” he whispers against me as he starts to feast on me. He puts my legs over his shoulders as I grab onto his hair. Desire builds up, causing me to moan. He pushes two fingers into me, finding my sensitive spot as he moves them in and out.
His mouth sucks my swollen bud as his other hand reaches up to pinch my nipple hard. That’s all it takes for my body to explode as wave after wave of pleasure ignites my senses. I feel myself contracting around him as he continues to feast on me. I throw my head back as his name leaves my lips in a cry. My body is flooded with millions of sensations at once. Slowly coming back down to earth, I collapse against the table, breathing hard. Trailing kisses back up my stomach, he pulls me back up to sitting. Kissing me deeply, I taste myself on him, making me moan again.
“Mmmm. I think you succeeded in showing me how good it is between us. That was…indescribable. You may have to carry me back. I don’t think my legs work anymore.”
He smiles at me. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a very, very long time.”
I softly laugh. “We haven’t known each otherthatlong.”
“It feels like many lifetimes to me,” he whispers.
“It does for me, too.” Because it’s true.
“I think the rain has stopped. We better get back to the boat and head in before dark.”
He helps me tie my swimsuit, and I start to feel guilty. “What about you?” I ask.
“What about me?” He looks at me, confused.
“Well, you just gave me the best orgasm of my life, and I’m feeling guilty that you got nothing.”
Laughing, he says, “First, I did not getnothingout of that. Watching you come undone like that was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ll always have that image in my head, so I should be thanking you. Second, I’m not about to have our first time be in an old uncomfortable lighthouse. When I do have you, I don’t intend to let you go for several hours, and we can’t stay here all night.”
“Several hours?” Imagining what can be done in several hours, I start to blush.
“If you don’t stop looking at me like that, I’m going to rethink everything I promised myself I wouldn’t do. I’m trying to be a good guy here, but you’re making it very hard.” He chuckles softly.
Grinning, I pull my sundress on over my swimsuit. “I’ll try and be on my best behavior.”
“Thank you.” Putting his shirt back on, I can’t help but admire the way his muscles flex and strain as he lowers the tee. Watching his perfect abs disappear, I sigh. “Emma,” he says dangerously low. Throwing my eyes back to meet his, I see his intense stare. “You’re doing it again.”
“What? Oh, sorry.” I cover my eyes. “I’m walking away now, not looking at anything.” I grab my bag and walk outside. The sun is peaking out from under the clouds again as we get the cooler and head back to the boat. Nala bounding ahead and feeling energized from her nap, starts to chase the seagulls again as we load up.
The ride back is a calm one. The storm passed just like Noah said it would, and the sun's last rays of light come out to shine on us. Feeling like my storm is passing as well, I glance at Noah and smile. He definitely is the sun giving light to my storm. I scoot closer to him, wanting his warmth as he puts his arm around me and smiles.
Once we get back to the marina, we get the boat on the lift, and I help him clean the salt water off. We haven’t eaten since lunch, so we head into town to grab a pizza. Nala happily lays under the table outside while we devour the brick oven cheezy goodness. We share a bottle of wine, enjoying our dinner together.
I can barely keep my eyes open when we pull into my driveway hours later. I look over at Noah and smile. “Thank you again for today.”
“You're welcome.” Getting out of the truck, he comes around to help me out, loving that he does that. “I need to get Nala back and get her cleaned up. If I don’t, she’ll stink up the whole place and get sand in places I’ll find days later. I’m going surfing early in the morning with Mav since the waves will be good, but I’ll be by to get you at six for dinner. Is that good?”
“Six is good.” Walking me up to my front door, I turn to say goodnight as he walks toward me until my back is against the door. Crushing his lips to mine for one last taste, he greedily takes my mouth with his. I wrap my arms around his neck and savor the feeling. Pulling away, he puts his forehead to mine. “Thank you for giving me this day. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.” He gives me one more kiss and says goodnight. I watch him walk back to his truck before he heads up the hill to his house. I touch my swollen lips and smile. Grinning like an idiot, I open the door replaying all the beautiful memories we made today.
* * *
Tomorrow morningI get up with the sunrise. Feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep, I throw my hair into a messy bun. Wearing a tank top and sleep shorts, I go to the deck with my cup of coffee. I watch in awe as the first rays of light hit the water reflecting beautiful oranges and yellows. In the distance, I see a sailboat drifting with the current as the sky fills with brilliant colorful light.
The waves are stronger today, making barrels further out, and I close my eyes to the sound of the surf and take a few deep breaths. I silently thank my parents once again for bringing me here. I can feel them so close to me that I know they’re here with me, watching this beautiful sunrise. The ache of losing them will never fully go away, but I’m learning to release the pain and fear that came with their death.