Page 42 of Connected By Souls


Very funny.


I’ll be by to pick you up at ten tomorrow morning.


I’ll be ready.


And Emma.




Next time, I’m not walking away.

Setting down my phone, I get ready to leave for work. Saturday can not come soon enough.

* * *

Puttingaway my tools for the day, I take a quick shower and head to Joe’s Rack’em and Leave’em, a popular pub outside of town when you’re in the mood to shoot some pool.

Stepping inside, I spot Mav at the bar and make my way to him. “Hey, Man.” I slap him on the shoulder. “Have you been here long?”

Turning around, he grins at me, “Hey, glad you could make it. No, I just got here. I ordered us some of our favorite craft beer.”

“Sounds good, thanks.” I take the seat next to him and pop some peanuts in my mouth. “How was work this week?”

“Doing good. I got a new shipment of surfboards in from a local designer. They should be a pretty big hit around here. Luna’s already drooling over them,” he says, laughing. “I’ve also expanded our surf apparel with new logos of the shop. Our social media is on fire thanks to Bell’s videos.”

“Glad everything is going good. I knew you would be able to expand the shop. With all of your connections in the surfing industry and Bella’s talent, you should do really well.”

“That’s the plan.” Grabbing our beers from the bartender, Mav asks, “ there anything you want to tell your best friend in the whole wide world?”

Grinning, I decide to play dumb, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb with me. You know exactly what I’m talking about. A certain brunette that happens to be your neighbor ring a bell?”

“Sophia spilled the beans, huh?”

“Well, actually, this came from your mom, who told my mom, who told me.” He shakes his head. “None of that matters. What matters is that my boy has found someone!”

I laugh at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, she’s pretty amazing. I’m spending the day with her tomorrow. I’m taking her to the lighthouse.”

“Wow, she must be special. You’ve never taken anyone to your secret spot.”

“She is special. I know we just met, but she’s the one I’ve been waiting for.” I shrug my shoulders and grin.

“Better than the dreams?”

I know Mav would believe me if I told him my dreams were of Emma and I’s past lives, but it didn’t feel right to talk about it when she doesn’t even know yet. I want to speak to her first when the time is right. “Way better than the dreams because she’s real.”