Page 40 of Connected By Souls

Shaking my head to clear my ringing ears, I gladly change the subject. I turn the music up so the girls can sing along. With all three of them bouncing to the music and singing at the top of their lungs, I laugh as I drive them through town to Bella and Sophia’s apartment.

Once the two loudmouths are safely inside their apartment with lots of promises from each other to get together soon, we make the way back home.

Turning the music down, I glance over at Emma. She’s got a dreamy look in her eyes as she looks out the window. A small smile is on her lips.

“I love seeing you happy,” I say, breaking the silence.

“I love being happy. I forgot what it felt like to let myself go and have fun. Your family is the best, and so are Maya and Sophia. I’m so glad I moved here.”

“That makes two of us.” I look at her and meet her gaze.

Tearing my eyes away, I focus on the road while sneaking glances at her, unable to stop myself from taking her in. With her hair pulled to one side, I get a clear view of her slender neck and the spot under her ear that I want to taste. I notice the way her breasts fill out the yoga top giving me enough of a peek to make my mouth water. It would be so easy to set them free so I can feast on them. I see her breath quicken as they strain against her top. I raise my eyes and find her staring right back at me. “Penny for your thoughts?” She asks softly.

Turning back to the road, I run my fingers through my hair and chuckle. “Trust me. You don’t want to know.”

“Maybe I do,” she whispers.

Taking a jagged breath, I pull into her driveway and get out to open her door. Helping her out of the truck, I shut the door and step toward her until her back hits the side of the vehicle. Putting both my hands on the door, I cage her in. “You really want to know what I was thinking about?” My voice is low as I bend down closer to her.

Unable to talk, she nods weakly.

“I was thinking about this spot here.” I move her hair to the side to expose her neck and softly touch the spot behind her ear. I lean down so my mouth is next to her ear. “I was thinking about how much I want to taste this spot,” I whisper. Lowering my mouth, I take a slow lick and lightly suck the spot.

Hearing her breath hitch, I know she loves this as much as I do. When I’m done getting my taste, I run my fingers along the top of her breast. “Then I thought of how easy it would be to expose these beautiful breasts so I can feast on them.” Trailing my fingers over her breasts, I hear her swallow.

Looking back up at her, I meet her wide-eyed stare as her lips part and her breathing quickens. “Fuck.” I slam my lips into hers, kissing her with everything in me and wanting her to feel what I’m feeling. Right now, I need her like I need air to breathe. I want her to remember this kiss until the day she takes her last breath. Hearing her moan, she kisses me back without any restraints, letting her passion take over. I dig my hands into her hair, wanting to feel her even more.

I moan as her hands reach under my shirt to explore my back, loving her touch on me. I step closer to her, pressing my hard length against her stomach as I kiss my way down her neck, sucking and biting. I hear her gasp as she feels how much she affects my body as I strain against my pants and bring her closer.

Coming back to her mouth, I lick her lower lip before softly kissing and pulling away. Both of us panting hard, I step back and run my hands through my hair in frustration as I try to regain my composure. I trace her swollen lips with my thumb, both our eyes full of need, before shoving my hands in my pockets to stop them from grabbing her again.

“I’m trying to do the right thing here. I can’t think when I’m around you.” I chuckle and shake my head. “I told myself when I picked you up that you’ve had a lot to drink and that I was going to behave myself. So, I’m going to make sure you’re safely inside, and then I’m going home to take a very cold shower.”

“Or you could shower here?”

“Are you trying to kill me?” I groan and rub the back of my neck with my hand. “Trust me, nothing would make me happier than picking you up and hauling you into that shower right now, but I don’t want any regrets on your part tomorrow. When you say yes, there’s no going back for me. I don’t want you waking up tomorrow resenting me because your choice was clouded by wine.

“So be a good girl and go to bed before I do something stupid.” I lightly smack her butt and point her up the stairs. Reaching in the truck, I grab her yoga bag and purse and walk her to the front door.

Helping her with the lock, I hear her mumble, “Sophia was right. You are a party pooper.”

Laughing, I open the front door. “Is that what she said? Remind me to get back at her for that one.” Making sure she’s inside, I help her take her tennis shoes off and get her a glass of water. “Are you going to be okay? Do you need anything else?”

“I can think of a lot of things I need right now, but apparently, I’m too drunk to get them tonight,” she pouts.

“Trust me. It’ll be worth the wait.” I laugh at her cute pouty face and bend down to kiss her forehead because I don’t trust myself to stop if I touch her lips again. “Night, Emma, sweet dreams.”

“Night, Noah.” I hear her sigh as she heads to the bedroom to get ready for bed. Knowing I made the right decision doesn’t make it any easier to walk away from her and leave her to shower alone. I lock the front door before getting in my truck and driving home. I think I earned the saint of the year award for that one. Two more seconds, and I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself from hauling her inside and making her mine again.

* * *

After my Fridaymorning run with Nala, I spend the morning writing, submersed in the past. Bella had called me earlier, letting me know that she’d picked up Emma this morning so she could get her vehicle. I’m glad the girls get along so well. She’s already fitting into my life like she’s always belonged.

Nearing noon, I decide to call her before heading to a couple of jobs I have lined up this afternoon around town. I know she had a lot to drink last night, and I want to make sure she’s doing okay. I dial her number and grab a bottle of water while I wait for her to pick up. I get her voicemail. That’s strange. I know she’s home. Maybe she’s in the shower or taking a nap. I don’t leave a message but text her instead.


Everything ok over there? I just tried to call, and there was no answer.