Page 25 of Connected By Souls


Just shaken up a bit, but I’ll be fine.

I wait for him to respond and don’t see him typing. Did I scare him off? Maybe I am too crazy for him. Setting the phone down, I get a glass of water and try to get the shaking to stop.

I hear a knock on my door. Wondering who it could be at this hour, I open it and see Noah standing there. He’s breathing hard. He must have ran all the way here. His hair is sticking up like he just got up and left the bed.

Seeing him alive and seeing that his beautiful blue eyes have life in them, I break down and cry. He gathers me in his arms and picks me up. Shutting the door with his foot, he walks us to the couch and holds me while I sob uncontrollably. I keep hearing him tell me that it’s ok. That he’s here and always will be. When there are no more tears, I let him hold me, loving the way I feel safe in his arms.

“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. You must think I’m crazy.” I hiccup into his shirt.

“I don’t think you’re crazy.” His voice is soft. “Do you want to talk about it?” I can feel him stroking my hair, and I close my eyes to the touch.

“No,” I whisper. I wasn’t ready to tell him about my parents yet. “Do you think you can just hold me for a little bit longer?”

“Anything you need me to do, I’ll do it.” He holds me tighter. I listen to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat before drifting off to sleep, emotionally exhausted.

I wake a couple of hours later and find myself wrapped up in my favorite throw blanket on the couch. I see a note on the coffee table and smile as I read it.

Emma, I’m really sorry I had to leave. I had a work appointment that I needed to get to. You looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn’t want to wake you. I hope I gave you some comfort and you’re feeling better. I’m glad you texted me, and I could be there for you.

P.S. Did you know that you have the cutest little snore?


I laugh at the snoring part, knowing he said that to make me laugh. I set the note down and wrap myself in my blanket, breathing in Noah’s scent that’s still on me. I expected to feel stupid and embarrassed that I cried all over him, but for some reason, it felt natural. It feels familiar to me somehow. Almost as if I’ve gone to him many times before for comfort, and he’s always been there when I needed him.

Knowing I need to get ready for work, I go to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and eat some breakfast. I feel a lot better after releasing all those emotions. I feel lighter somehow.

I keep myself busy at work all afternoon, tackling the storage room and clearing it out so we can start on the art room for the kids. After lunch, I go to the back office to get busy designing the flyers for the upcoming children’s programs to place around town. I’m concentrating on the screen when Miss Sylvia walks in.

“Hi dear, how are the flyers going?”

“I’m just about done.” I look up and smile at her.

“So, the latest gossip in town is that young Dean tried to ask you out, and Noah stepped in and claimed you as his own.” She’s grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh, God,” I groan and cover my hands to my face. “Word gets around real quickly here.”

“It sure does.” She laughs. “So Noah, huh? You’ve got great taste. Not one single girl in this town has been able to get so much as a date out of him, and you get one in less than a week?”

“We’re just friends, and he’s been helping me out at my house with some repairs.”

“Mmmm. Yeah, I’m not buying that. An old lady knows when two people are falling, and you, my dear, have been bitten by the love bug.”

“It’s way too soon for that,” I quickly tell her. “We just met.”

“Love has no time, my dear. It happens when it happens, and for Noah to ask you out, trust me, he’s got bitten too.” She winks at me and walks away.

I’m so glad I can provide entertainment for this town. I shake my head and get back to work.

Closing up the library,I make sure everything is shut down and locked before heading to my vehicle. I get into the driver’s seat as my phone dings. Glancing down, I see a text from Noah.


Have you eaten dinner yet?
