Page 22 of Connected By Souls

“It’s going.” He laughs. “It’s my last year, so I can’t complain.” He looks over at Emma and grins. “Hi, I’m Dean. I don’t think we’ve met.”

“Hi, Dean. I’m Emma. It’s nice to meet you.” She smiles.

I eye Dean as he looks Emma over, lingering a little too long on her body for my liking. The kid’s got balls. I’ll give him that.

“You should come to a football game sometime. I’m the starting quarterback this year and always play better when a beautiful girl is in the stands cheering me on.” I hear Henry cough as he tries not to laugh before he continues mixing the paint.

Finding this amusing and slightly annoying, I wait to see what Emma will do. It’s not every day you get hit on by a horny high schooler.

Emma looks at me as I cross my arms and raise my eyebrows at her. “I, uh, that’s so sweet of you to invite me. I’m sure there’re a lot of girls your age that cheer you on.”

“Girls my age are too much drama for me. I prefer the older, mature type.” Dean fucking winks at her. Am I really getting jealous over an eighteen-year-old?

Clearing my throat, I walk up to Emma and put my hand around her waist, deciding to help her out of this situation. “Sorry, Dean, you’re a little too late.”

“I’m sorry, Noah, I didn’t know.” He holds up his hands. “Fist bump for that score, though.” He fists his hand out to me.

Ignoring his fist, I shake my head and sigh. “Just go back to work, Dean. I’m sure Henry would prefer if you didn’t hit on the customers.”

“Can’t blame a guy for trying, but if it doesn’t work out, Emma, you know where to find me.” He walks backward with a grin on his face.

“Go.” I point to the storage door.

“Ok, ok, I’m going.” He turns and walks through the door.

“Thanks for the save. I can’t believe a high schooler just asked me out.”

“I’m going to have to lock you up in this town,” I mutter under my breath.

“Well, that was painful and funny at the same time to watch.” Henry comes over with Emma’s paint. “I didn’t know he had it in him.” He laughs softly while he rings Emma up.

“As Dean said, I can’t blame him for trying. I did the same thing. I just got lucky she said yes.” I look at Emma and cause her to blush.

“Now, you two, I can see.” Henry smiles at the both of us and hands Emma her receipt.

“Thanks, Henry.” Emma grabs the paint.

“Here, let me put those in the car for you.” I take the two cans of paint. “Henry, can you ring me up and put it on my account? I’ll be right back to load it all up.”

“Sure thing. Have a good day, Emma.”

“You too, Henry, thanks.” She walks with me to the door.

I head to her Bronco once we’re outside. She unlocks the door for me, and I load the paint cans in the back. Shutting the door, I turn to her. “I think the hardware store is a very dangerous place for you. Three guys in two trips? Maybe, you should stick to the yarn section at the hobby store.”

“The yarn section?” She laughs, causing me to grin.

“I figure most of them will be female and elderly. Perfectly harmless and no competition.” I shrug my shoulders. “Makes sense to me.”

“I don’t think a high schooler qualifies as competition.”

“Anyone of the male species is competition.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that. I agreed to a day, remember?”

“Oh, I remember. I’m just hoping you’ll realize that a day will never be enough.” I see her cheeks go red again. God, I love it when I make her blush.

“I should probably head back. I only get an hour for lunch and don’t want to be late on my first full day.”