Page 20 of Connected By Souls

Dazed, I whisper, “Yes?”

“If you keep staring at me like that, I’m going to do what I’ve wanted to do since the moment I laid eyes on you.” His voice is strained, and his hands are fisted at his sides like he’s fighting not to touch me.

Feeling bold, I ask. “And what is that?”

Groaning, he steps closer. “As much as I want to show you, you aren’t ready yet. But when you’re ready, I’ll be more than willing to show you.” Reaching up, he wipes some paint off my cheek. Heat spreads through my body at the contact. Closing my eyes, I can barely contain my moan. “You are so fucking beautiful. I can feel the pain you’ve been through, and I want to take it from you. I want to be the one to bring that light back into your eyes.” He confesses to me.

Opening my eyes, tears start to pool. “I don’t think that’s possible. I can’t ever go through what I went through again,” I whisper.

“Did someone hurt you?” Anger fills his eyes, turning them a darker blue.

“No, not physically, anyway.” Sighing and wanting to change the subject, I turn away. “Let’s finish up in here. I’ve got to be at work early and still need to get some things done before I go to bed.”

He studies my face like he’s trying to get inside my head. “Yeah, okay. Let me finish this faucet, and I can head home.” Breathing a sigh of relief that he doesn’t push any further, we both go back to work. We finish the bathroom in silence and make our way out into the living room. Grabbing his tool bag, we walk to the front door.

“I just realized we never agreed on a payment. How much do I owe you?”

“One day.”

“One day? What does that mean?”

“You give me one day. I’ll show you that I can bring the light back. Just give me one day where all I do is make you laugh, where you can forget about everything else and just be happy.”

“I…I don’t know.” Could I handle a whole day with him? I can barely keep it together in the short amount of time we’ve seen each other.

“Do you trust me?” He asks.

Did I? I just met him, but my heart is telling me otherwise. “I don’t know why since we just met, but I do. I do trust you.”

“Then trust me on this. When is your next day off.”

“Not until next Saturday. I’m training right now, so Miss Sylvia wants me in this weekend for a meeting and to go over some weekend duties.”

“A little longer than I wanted to wait.” He chuckles softly. “It’ll have to do. I’ll pick you up at ten in the morning. Wear a bathing suit under your clothes, and I’ll take care of the rest.” I follow him as he walks to the door.

“Okay. Thank you for all of your help today.” I open the door for him.

“It’s no problem. Night Emma.” He turns and heads down the stairs.

“Night, Noah,” I whisper as I watch him pull out of the driveway. What did I just agree to? How am I going to resist him for a full day? Did I even want to resist him? I softly shut the door and lean against it, fighting the battle between my mind and body.



She said yes.I can’t stop the big ass grin on my face if I tried. When she asked me what she owed me, I couldn’t stop myself from blurting it out, and she said yes. Leaving her place, I know for certain that she feels every little bit of what I feel when we’re together. She’s fighting it, though, because she’s afraid of getting hurt again. I have every intention of breaking down those walls and claiming her as mine.

While working on the sink, I felt her eyes on me. I saw the desire and heat in her eyes as she roamed my body, instantly making me hard. It took every ounce of willpower not to grab her and crush my lips to hers. I know, though, that she isn’t ready, and the last thing I want to do is scare her away or move too fast and have her regret it.

Next Saturday, I’ll show her how to come alive again and make her feel the happiness she deserves. I would give her the perfect day and show her how good we’re together, just as we’ve always been.

* * *

I bend her over the sofa as I slowly enter her. She presses back into me, moaning as I go deeper. I grab her brunette hair and fist it in my hand, pulling her head back as she arches her back, exposing her slender neck. “Harder,” she moans as she pushes back and rubs her bottom against me. Happy to oblige, I grab her hips and slam into her as she cries out. I go faster, loving the way her breasts bounce. She turns her head and looks at me. Emma’s eyes stare back at me, branding my soul.

I awakewith a start breathing hard. Sunlight filters in as I take deep breaths. I’m hard and throbbing as I run my hands down my face trying to control my emotions. I throw back the covers and head to the bathroom needing a cold shower after that one. I step under the cool spray, willing my body to behave.

Images of her keep flashing in my mind, not giving me the release I need. Fuck. I close my eyes and put my hand on the shower wall as I bow my head, letting the water flow down my back. I circle my hard length with my other hand and slowly move up and down, setting a pace while I imagine she’s here with me. I imagine her hands on me as she lowers herself to her knees, looking up at me with those familiar eyes. I sink into her mouth as she moans and takes me to the back of her throat. Grabbing her hair, her mouth hungrily devours me. Gasping, I release into the shower repeatedly, pulsing in my hand. Panting hard, I slowly steady my breathing.