Looking up at the stars, I take a deep breath, “I found her, Bella.”
She sits up wide-eyed. “Her? As in the girl in your dreams? Your twin flame?”
“Yeah.” I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. “And get this, she’s my new neighbor.”
“Holy shit! I knew it! I knew she was real. This is amazing! How did you meet? What did you say? Why isn’t she here with you now?” She throws all the questions at me at once.
“Geez, one question at a time. She texted me yesterday and asked if I could come by and look at some repairs. She bought the old Murphy’s place. The dreams lately have been more intense for me and more real, and now it all makes sense. It’s because she’s so close to me. It intensifies what I’m feeling. Nothing could have shocked me more when she opened the door. I literally had to hold myself up on the door frame before I did an unmanly faint in front of her.” I laugh. “She looked just as shocked, too, and said I remind her of someone, but she didn’t know who.”
“Wow.” She scrunches her forehead in concentration. “So she doesn’t know who you are or that you’ve been in love before.” She taps her finger on her lip. “She must not get the dreams like you do.”
“No, I don’t think she does, or if she does, she hasn’t put the pieces together yet. I know she feels that pull between us. You can cut the sexual tension with a knife, but I also see the fear in her eyes. She’s hurting from something. I can tell she’s scared of what she’s feeling. I need to try and go slow with her and do this right. I don’t want to scare her away.”
“What’s her name?”
“Emma. Hell, I should probably find out her last name.” I roughly run my hands through my hair in frustration. “I really don’t know anything except she just moved here, and she’s starting at the library tomorrow. I did find out she lives alone and isn’t married or has a boyfriend, thank God. Oh, and she drives a kick-ass restored Bronco that I really want to take for a spin.” Maybe we could take it for a drive one day with the top down. I could show her around town.
“Some Sherlock Holmes you are.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Do you know how old she is? What does she look like?”
“She looks younger than me, so I’m guessing close to your age. She has long brunette hair, the most amazing green eyes, and full pink lips.” Lips I’ve been dreaming about since I was sixteen. “And a body to die for.” I grin at her. “She’s beautiful and perfect.” I shrug my shoulders. “Just like she’s always been.”
“Man, you’ve got it bad. Wait, did you say Emma?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Mom told me tonight that Maya had met someone named Emma yesterday at her smoothie place and invited her to yoga and drinks with us. She’s going with us next Thursday. It has to be the same one. Her description matches what Maya said to Mom.”
“Emma’s going to ladies’ night with you guys?” Groaning, I rub a hand over my face. “I don’t know about this. What if you guys are too rowdy for her? She seems more quiet. What if Mom says something embarrassing or worse, Sophia tries to set her up with someone?”
“Relax. She’ll be fine. Actually, this is perfect! I can find out more about her for you and talk you up in a very subtle way, of course.” She claps her hands excitedly. “This is going to be so much fun!”
Rolling my eyes, hopefully, Bella and Sophia will be on their best behavior. Emma has no idea what she’s agreed to.
Pullingup to the library on Monday morning, my excitement starts to build. I love small-town libraries, but even more, I love books. I take in the cute two-story building with its yellow siding and flower beds lining the front of the building. A little garden area sits off to the right with benches for those who want to read outside.
Smiling, I make my way inside and head to the front desk. A petite elderly lady looks up as I walk over, returning the smile. “Hi dear, what can I help you with?”
“Hi, Mrs. Thompson? I’m Emma.”
“Emma! It’s so nice to finally meet you in person. I know we spoke many times on the phone during the interview process, and I recognize you now from the picture I had you send over. Please call me Sylvia.” Walking around the counter, she gives me a big hug. “It’s so nice to have you here, Emma. I finally took the advice of my sister Sadie and got some help around here. She’s been begging me to live a little and go on some of these cruises she’s been raving about. This library has been in my family for generations, and it’s been my baby, but with me getting older, it’s just too hard for me to do it all by myself. Let me show you around, and we can discuss the upgrades we discussed over the phone.”
Looking around, I take in the library. I knew I wanted to apply the moment I saw it online, but the pictures don’t do it justice. It’s an adorable two-story open building with wide wood planks on the wall and old wood floors throughout. Bookshelf aisles line both sides of the bottom half, with the librarian's desk in the center surrounded by counters for checking out books. There’s a cute reading nook next to it with a couple of comfy couches and chairs for those who want to sit and read awhile. I can already picture a little tea and coffee area off to the side to add more charm to the space. From the bottom floor, you can look up and see the upper half. Wood railings go around the whole second level allowing you to see all the book aisles up there. Off to the side, I can see a wood staircase leading up to the second floor.
“This place is beautiful. I can see why you love it here.” I take in all the little details.
She beams like a proud parent. “Thank you. I tried to keep the original structure in place over the years. Not many people get my love of books and how they make me feel when I’m surrounded by them. We have a world of adventures at our fingertips. It’s pretty exciting if you ask me.”
“I understand exactly what you’re saying. I feel the excitement, too, and love the way they make me feel.”
“I knew you were a good fit the moment we talked. I’m never wrong when I listen to my gut, and I have a very good feeling about you.” She pats my arm.
“I’m just so grateful for this opportunity. I promise I won’t let you down.”
“I know, dear. Now let me show you the kid's section. I know you were excited to be part of that program when we talked on the phone.”