Page 79 of Connected By Souls

“Hey, babe! You here?” Noah calls out from the living room.

“I’m in here!” I yell out from the bedroom.

Coming into the room, Noah grins and leans down to kiss me. I melt against him as he grasps my face taking the kiss deeper. “Hi, beautiful,” he whispers against my lips.

“Hi,” I say, my voice breathless. “How was Mrs. Woodbury?” I ask, looking up at him. Even though he doesn’t do much handyman work anymore, he still helps his older clients when he can.

“Well, I took care of her sink that was leaking and felt like I could hear her dirty thoughts in her head as I bent over and worked on it,” shuddering, he continues. “At least she doesn’t try to set me up with her granddaughter anymore.”

“Oh my God,” I laugh. “I can’t say I blame her, though. I remember when you first worked on my bathroom sink. I had plenty of dirty thoughts running through my head.”

“If I remember correctly, I almost kissed you after that because I could see those dirty thoughts in those beautiful eyes of yours.”

“I probably would have let you. I’ve never been able to resist you.”

“In that case, let me make up for a kiss that should have happened.” He lowers his mouth to mine once more. Taking his time, he thoroughly kisses me, completely captivating me with his lips.

“That was worth the wait,” I breathe out.

“Definitely. Before I throw you on this bed and mess up your clean sheets, what can I help you with so we can resume this,” he grins.

Laughing, I point to the other side of the bed. “Help me make this bed, and then I just need to clean the bathroom, and we can leave. I stopped by the grocery store on the way home and have food in the fridge for them.” I put the comforter on the bed.

“Dinner still on for tomorrow at Rusty’s?” He asks, putting the pillows on the bed.

“Yep, their flight arrives at seven, and then we can head there. I can’t wait to show them around. At Thanksgiving, they’ll get to meet everyone at your parents’ house. I’m so glad Maverick and Sophia will be there with their parents too.”

“We’ve always done Thanksgiving together. I think Mom and Maya started Friendsgiving before we were even born. They’ve always said drinking wine and cooking a meal together is more fun. A few years back, they got this idea to make it a crab boil because they hated making the turkey. We all loved it so much we kept up the tradition,” he laughs.

“No complaints from me. I love seafood way more than turkey.” I grin and walk into the bathroom to clean it.

“Turkey doesn’t even compare to a good crab leg dipped in butter,” he says, following me and stopping at the doorway to lean against it. I wipe down the counters and make sure I have supplies in here before we go back into the living room.

“I think we’re done here.” I look around to make sure everything is in place. I’ve been spending more and more time at Noah’s, so there wasn’t much to clean. “Let’s go eat some dinner. I’m starving.” I grab my purse off the counter.

“Me too.” He smacks me on the butt, causing me to yelp, before he heads toward the door. I watch him walk away, admiring the way his jeans fit across his sexy behind. I hear him laugh as he catches me checking him out. “Maybe dessert before dinner?” He asks, burning me with those blue eyes.

“Definitely.” I run after him.

* * *

I keepmyself busy at work the next day, hoping the day will pass quickly. The fall programs in the children’s department have been a hit, and the art room has brought in a lot of new members. Miss Sylvia has hired a couple of high school art students to come in and teach classes two times a week. We’ve been able to put that money into an art scholarship program for the local students in town.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I have about an hour until their flight lands. I haven’t seen Skye in close to three months. It’s the longest we’ve ever been away from each other, and I can’t wait to see her. Noah dropped me off this morning on his way to work so he could pick me up, and we could ride to the airport together.

“Child, you’ve looked at that clock a million times today,” Miss Sylvia chuckles.

“I know, I can’t help it. I’m just so excited to see my friends.”

“Well, you take this time off and enjoy yourself. The library will be here waiting for you when you get back on Monday,” Miss Sylvia says from behind her desk.

“Thanks again for the time off.”

“You’ve earned it, dear. My sister likes to hog the kitchen and cook most of it herself, so I just have to show up on Thanksgiving anyway. I’m way too old for Black Friday shopping, so I had no plans this weekend.” She smiles at me before going back to her computer screen.

Turning back to my paperwork, I finish the rest of my to-do list before getting my things and saying goodbye to Miss Sylvia. Noah is waiting for me on the reading couch when I come out.

“You ready?” He asks, kissing me on the lips.