Page 69 of Connected By Souls

“How’s my favorite girl doing?” I hear Mav’s voice say.

“Put me down, you big goof,” I laugh.

“Your favorite girl?” I hear Noah say as Mav sets me back down on my feet.

“Ok, both our favorite girl except you get all the benefits,” he grins. “You do still get benefits, right?” He looks at the both of us.

“We’re good. It seems Noah had a good reason for not telling me after all.” I smile at Noah.

“Thank God. Noah’s moodiness was getting on my nerves. All he did was mope around and complain all the time.”

“Geez, tell me how you really feel,” Noah chuckles.

“Seriously though, I’m glad you guys worked it out. I’m really happy for you both.” Mav slaps Noah’s back and smiles at us.

“Thanks, man. It means a lot.” Noah puts a hand on Mav’s shoulder.

“Thank you, Maverick. I promise to be in a better mood at the next poker game,” I laugh.

“God, that was awful. I could cut the tension with a knife, but at least you guys got to release your tension later.” Mav winks at me.

“Oh my God, did you tell him?” I look at Noah, who is trying not to laugh.

“No, I swear. He figured it out like he always does. It didn’t help that you left a big bite mark on my neck that he saw.”

I cover my face with my hands to hide the redness that is creeping up on my cheeks.

“Awe, don’t be embarrassed, Emma. Angry sex is hot as hell. You should be proud. That was a kick-ass bite mark.” Mav says, grinning.

“I don’t think you’re helping matters,” Noah says, laughing.

Removing my hands, I try not to laugh at the two of them and fail. “You guys are impossible,” I laugh.

“How’s your mom’s shop? Everything ok?” Noah asks, thankfully changing the subject for me.

“It’s all good. We got lucky it lost strength. I’m on my way to check my store, but from the look of the cameras I installed recently, I don’t think any damage was done. I should be open tomorrow,” Mav says.

“Nice. I’m sure the phone calls will start later for me as people assess their damage.”

“Have you talked to Belle and Sophie yet? Joe’s is up and running today, and we were going to stop by for some drinks later and bar food if you guys want to meet us.” Mav asks us.

Noah looks at me, “What do you think? You up for some drinks and a game of pool?”

“That sounds like fun!” I’m excited to see Bella and Sophia again. I feel bad about giving them a hard time for inviting Noah to the poker game. I know they were just trying to help.

“Great! I’m going to check on my store and then meet you guys over there.” Mav waves goodbye before heading in the direction of his truck.

“I can see why you guys are best friends. I really like him.”

“Yeah, we’ve had each other’s back since before we could walk.” He watches him walk away. “Just don’t go liking him more than me,” he teases, grabbing me in a big hug.

“I just really like him, but I really, really, really like you.”

“And I really, really, really like you.” He gives me a big, wet, loud kiss on the mouth. Giggling at his playfulness, he takes my hand as we walk to his truck.

We pullinto the parking lot a short time later, and I can’t help but laugh at the clever sign on the building that reads,Joe’s Rack’em and Leave’em.The building is older, giving it that hole-in-the-wall feel that people love to escape in. I didn’t know we’d be going out, so I’m glad I dressed in jeans and a crop tank top instead of my usual yoga pants. Following Noah inside, I can’t help but admire the way he looks in his fitted jeans and black v-neck tee.

“Are you checking me out?” Noah asks.