“Let me go, Noah!” She yells, smacking me on my back. I smack her back on the ass as she gasps in shock. I open the office door and shut it before setting her down. “What the hell!” She yells at me.
“You’re angry at me? Fine! Yell at me, scream, smack me again, get it all out right now but I’m not about to sit out there any longer while you punish me for something you won’t even let me explain. Dammit!” I run my hands roughly through my hair. “I’ve been so fucking miserable this week, and now I have to sit across from you and watch you smile at my fucking best friend all night. You want to punish me tonight? Well, you’re doing a fucking good job at it!” I yell.
“Good! Because I’ve been fucking miserable this week all because of you! I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, and I feel like I can’t breathe. It fucking hurts!” She says with fire in her eyes.
We both stand there, chests heaving, not looking away from each other’s stare. Unable to stop myself, I reach out to touch her hair. She swats my hand away, and I catch her by the wrist. Her eyes turn a dark green. I take a step closer as she backs up and hits the desk. I take her wrist in my hand and kiss the underside as her breath hitches. “I hate that I’m so angry at you but still crave you.” She lashes out at me.
“Then take what you need. You want to punish me, then punish me. Give me your anger. I’ll gladly take it from you.” I hold my hands out at my side. Waiting to see if she’s daring enough to go for it, I give her time to decide. The moment I see her eyes go darker with need, I know she wants me right now just as much as I want her. She grabs my neck and pulls me down for a kiss, roughly pressing her lips against mine. I feel the anger in her kiss as she bites my lip hard before devouring my mouth. I give it right back to her, kissing her fiercely because of the time we’ve had apart. I lift her up and set her on the desk, settling myself between her legs as she wraps them around me. Wearing only a sundress, I cup her bottom and grind against her panties, causing her to moan. Her hands go to my hair as she tugs and pulls before grabbing my shirt and pulling it over my head. Fingernails claw my back as she makes her mark on me, letting that anger run free.
Pinching her nipple hard through her dress, she gasps and bites down hard on my shoulder. I grab the sides of her panties and hear them rip as I toss them on the floor. Undoing my pants, I free myself and dive into her in one hard thrust. She bites down on my neck to stop her scream as I slam into her over and over until we both shatter together. Panting hard, I put my forehead to hers as we try and catch our breaths.
“We need to talk about all of this, but here is not the place. I want to do it right so we have the time we need. There’s a lot you don’t understand, but I will tell you everything. Just please hear me out.”
“Ok, I’m ready,” she whispers.
“There’s a tropical storm coming this week, so I’m working all weekend, but I will make the time. I’ll text you tomorrow when I know more. Please answer my texts this time.”
Nodding her head, I fix her dress as she runs a finger through her hair. I zip up my pants and grab her panties off the floor, stuffing them in my pocket.
“Sorry about your panties. I’ll buy you a new pair.” I give her a small smile as I pull my shirt over my head.
“You better.”
We clean the place up, and I head to the kitchen while Emma freshens up in the bathroom. They're watching a movie when I come back in. Sitting down next to Bella on the couch, she whispers, “You okay?”
“Yeah, she’s agreed to talk this weekend. I’m going to be busy with work because of the storm, but I’ll make the time. I’ll just be glad when this is all behind us.”
“It’s all going to turn out the way it always has. You guys will find your way back to each other,” she says, squeezing my arm.
“There’s no other way for me. Now that I’ve found her, living without her isn’t an option.”
Emma walks in nervously, tucking her hair behind her ears, probably wondering if they heard anything. Luckily the TV was loud for the movie, so I doubt they did. She takes the open seat next to me on the couch. I put my arm around her, hoping she’s okay with that, as she snuggles up right where she belongs. I exhale a sigh of relief and feel like I can breathe for the first time in a week.
After the movie, we all say our goodbyes. I give Emma a hug and a quick kiss, promising to text her when I can come over. Mav and I get into my truck, and I start the engine. Looking over, he’s grinning from ear to ear. “What’s that grin for?”
“You had angry sex, didn’t you?”
“How do you even do that? Do you have like a sex radar thing on you or something?”
“I can just sense it. Plus, your hair is a mess again, and” he says, reaching over and touching a spot on my neck, “you have a red mark right there. Is that a bite mark?” He looks closer.
I swat his hand away as he laughs. I try to smooth my hair down but can’t keep the grin from my face as I think about how it got messed up in the first place.
* * *
The tropical stormheaded our way has picked up strength through the night and is currently predicted to be a Cat 2 when it makes landfall early Monday morning. I’m swamped with work, helping everyone get their houses ready. Most of us along the coast have hurricane-grade windows and are higher up in elevation, but the older homes around the neighborhood need help with boarding up their windows and placing sandbags in areas that’ll flood.
I take a quick water break in the afternoon and text Emma letting her know I’ll be very late tonight and back at it early tomorrow morning. She went to work to help Miss Sylvia and her grandsons secure the library and would be working tomorrow to help the surrounding businesses. We agreed to put our talk on hold until things get settled here.
Everyone is on alert, watching the news and keeping track of the hurricane. Living here all my life, I know how things can change in a blink of an eye. When we think it’s nothing and don’t prepare, it changes directions and destroys homes. Other times, we do all the prepping believing it will be the worse, and it shifts the other way, and we get nothing but heavy rain. It’s always better to prepare, though, because you don’t know until hours before, and by then, it’s too late. If it gains any more strength, evacuations will start in areas prone to flooding, with each home having its own zone. I’m in a no-evacuation zone for flooding because of my higher elevation. My parents are zoned B, so hopefully, it won’t come to their zone being called.
By the time my head hits the pillow, I’m so exhausted I can barely keep my eyes open. Wanting to check on Emma to make sure she’s okay, I text her real quick before I go to sleep.
I wanted to check on you before I went to sleep. Is the library all secure?
I wait for her reply, wondering if she’s already asleep.