“She?” Mav asks, looking confused as he looks at Noah.
Clearing his throat, Noah looks at me. “We should be going. The waves are picking up again, and Mav wanted to get one more sesh in before we head in for the day. Are we still on for six?”
Wondering what that was all about, I look at Noah and smile. “Of course, I’ll be ready.”
Smiling at me, he quickly kisses me and calls for Nala as they head down the stairs.
Grabbing me into a big bear hug, Mav whispers in my ear. “I’m really glad you moved here. Noah was lost without you.”
Releasing me, I smile back up at him. “I was lost too.”
Making his way to Noah on the beach, they grab their boards where they left them and head back into the water.
We headin from our last sesh of the day and plop down on the sand to take a breather and grab some water. The waves have died down for the afternoon, so we called it a day. Nala lays down beside me while I rub her belly.
“You’re right. Emma’s amazing,” Mav says. “And she’s hot, very hot, and that body.”
Cutting him off before he gets himself into trouble, “That body is mine—she is mine, so don’t even think about it.”
“I love to get you worked up.” He laughs with his eyes full of amusement. “It’s so easy. You know, I would never cross that line, well, not intentionally. The hitting on her thing was a complete accident. I would have never done that if I’d known who she was.”
“Yeah, I know, but I still don’t like you talking about her body.”
Chuckling, he says, “I’m starting to get that.” He turns to me, looking more serious. “So when are you telling her that you’re Beck Hunter? She reads your books, dude, and she thinks you’re a girl. You’ve got to tell her soon before things get any more serious.”
I sigh. “It’s more complicated than that.” I wasn’t going to tell him about our past lives together before I had the chance to explain it to Emma, but I need someone to talk to who isn’t my sister. Deciding to tell, I take a deep breath and explain. “So you know my dreams that I’ve had since I was little? All the ones about this specific girl? Well, it turns out that it’s not just dreams. They’re memories, past lives memories.”
“Past lives? As in reincarnation?”
“Yeah, I know it’s hard to believe, but I’ve done a ton of research on this. When you reincarnate, most people don’t remember a thing about their other lives. There are books and stories of some that do, like kids that know different languages or details about wars that’s impossible for them to know about.”
“I’ve heard a few stories like that from my mom when she’s reading one of her books. So your dreams are real? How did you even figure this out?”
“A few years ago, I got drunk one night and spilled everything to Bella. I told her about my dreams and how they always revolved around this one particular girl. They felt so real. I would literally wake up and reach for her because I felt her in the bed with me. I thought I was going crazy because the older I got, the more intense they became. I was waking up hard every day, craving a girl I only got to see in my dreams.
“No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t connect with anyone else that way in the real world. Bella studies all that spiritual stuff, so I thought she could help me understand what was happening. She was the one who encouraged me to start writing down my dreams as a sort of therapy. Because the girl was always the same green-eyed beauty, she told me it had to be my twin flame.”
“A twin flame? Like a soul mate?”
“Sort of. A soul mate is someone you share an emotional and spiritual connection with, but each lifetime you have, it can be with someone different. A twin flame is much more intense. It’s believed they’re created from one single source and split into two. The connection is so strong that they usually find their way back to each other no matter what lifetime they’re in. They aren’t completely whole without the other.
“It’s different with every twin flame, though. Some choose not to reincarnate together because they have self-healing to do or need to learn something without the interference of the other half of their soul. Some may choose to be best friends, while others want to always be in relationships. It all depends on what stage they’re in with their soul’s growth.”
“Geez, that’s intense. You sound like one of those spiritual gurus that our moms listen to,” he says, laughing softly.
“Trust me, I know. It was either try and understand it or check myself into a mental institution.”
“So wait, all your books are real then too? They’re lives that you’ve lived?”
“Yep, they’re my own personal memories. I remember them like they were yesterday.” Taking a deep breath, I tell him the whole truth. “They’re Emma and I’s past lives.”
“Wait! Emma is your twin flame?” His eyes go wide with shock.
Nodding my head, I grin. “I found her again. She came back to me just like we always promised each other we would. Except this time, I remember everything that we’ve ever shared.”