Page 2 of Connected By Souls

“Thanks, Noah. Your mom sure did raise you right. Looks and manners. What I wouldn’t give to be sixty years younger,” I hear her mumble as she shuts the door.

Yep, she was definitely checking out my butt earlier. Shaking my head and chuckling, I walk down the wooden porch stairs to my truck. As I breathe in the salty air, the sun is starting to set. God, I love this place. There’s just something about the ocean that can make any bad day melt away. I throw my tools in the back of my pickup truck and get in just as my phone starts ringing. Grinning, I hit answer as my best friend’s voice fills the cab of my truck.

“Hey, man! Are you still meeting me for drinks down at Rusty’s?” Mav asks me. Rusty’s is a local bar on the waterfront with good drinks and live music on the weekends. Their food is the best around, with seafood fresh off the boats daily. We usually meet every Friday for drinks after work to catch up and listen to the live band playing.

Starting my truck and putting it into gear, I back out of the driveway. “Yeah, I’m on the way. I just got done at Mrs. Woodbury’s place, and I’m headed there now.”

“She try and hook you up with her granddaughter again?” Mav starts laughing on the other end of the line.

“She did, and I told her no like I always do. You know that I’m not looking for anything now.” At least I wasn’t until I found her. She can’t be just a dream. She has to be real.

“Yeah, yeah, too busy with work and submerging yourself in this fantasy girl you’re always writing about, while here in the real world, Mrs. Woodbury could have the hottest granddaughter you’ve ever seen, and you won’t even entertain the idea.”

Sighing, I know that eventually, I’ll have to move on and get back out there, but my heart is telling me otherwise. My heart is telling me she’s real—I just need to find her. We always find each other in every dream I’ve had. Whether we are best friends at eight and have loved each other our whole lives or meeting later in life with a ton of baggage between us, not knowing what the future has in store for us. We always find one another because we belong to each other. Twin flames are what my sister calls them. One soul split into two, destined to find their way back to each other to become whole again.

One night, I confided in my sister, Bella, about my dreams, and she assured me I wasn’t going insane. She’s read about past lives in some of the books she likes to read, and she was the one who encouraged me to write my dreams down in the first place. I hoped that by writing them down, they would draw her to me. Now talking to Mav, I’m seriously thinking this whole past life thing may be an overactive imagination on my part. Why, though, does my heart physically hurt at the thought of her just being someone I made up?

“Why don’t you entertain the idea and take my place with her granddaughter,” I tell Mav, taking a left at the stoplight.

Laughter fills the truck, “You know I don’t date. I’m not the settling-down type. There’re too many women out there that haven’t gotten the Maverick treatment yet.”

“Oh God, I seriously don’t want to know what that even is.”

“I can’t share my secrets anyway because the town is too small for the both of us to be in the know. Someone has to be the alpha male around here.”

Turning into the parking lot, I smirk. “Trust me. I’ve never had any complaints. I’m doing just fine without your tips.” I cut off the engine and step out of the truck.

“If you say so,” Mav says, sounding very doubtful.

“I’m good. Trust me. I’m hanging up now. I’m about to head inside.” I put my phone in the back pocket of my faded jeans. The good thing about local joints is you have the occasional couple dress up for a date but won’t feel out of place when you come straight off the beach in boardies and a tee, or my case, straight from work. Running my fingers through my dark hair, I put my worn ballcap on my head and make my way across the parking lot.

With my hand on the door, I turn around just as a Bronco goes out of sight down the road. I get goosebumps on my arms as my thoughts become filled with her. Image after image flashes in my head. She’s on top of me with her hair cascading down her bare chest. Her head is back, and her eyes are full of lust as she looks down at me. My heartbeat increases as desire floods my body from these images of her. What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve got to get a grip. I hope they have the good bourbon in stock tonight because I’m going to need a double. I open the door and step inside.



Drivinginto the small town of Crystal Isle, I feel the same excitement I did as a kid. I can almost picture my parents in the car with me. Blinking back tears, I take in the small town's downtown area. Storefronts and restaurants line both sides of the road as people walk the sidewalks, either buying cute souvenirs while on vacation or locals grabbing a bite to eat. I pass by my favorite ice cream and smoothie shop, Down to Earth Smoothies, excited to see that it’s still here.

Pulling up to Crystal Isle Grocery Store, I grab a parking spot in front. I need to get some things before I go to the cottage for the night. I haven’t eaten since a quick stop at a diner hours ago on the road. A glass of wine and a bubble bath later sounds like the best idea ever. I get out of the car, stretching my legs, and finger comb my loose brunette curls. Grabbing my purse and shutting the door, I go inside.

Cold air blasts me when I walk in, cooling my face as I slide my sunglasses on top of my head. The September heat is still on full blast, but I don’t mind. I love the sun and feel more like myself when I have my toes in the sand and the warmth on my skin. I was always sad in Tennessee when Christmas was over, and I had to endure the cold and bleary weather until Spring.

Grabbing a cart, I head to the first section of the store and begin loading up my favorite snacks and easy meals to make until I get everything unpacked. I make a mental note to see if there’s a store nearby where I can grab the houseware essentials I don’t have. I didn’t want anything from my apartment with Tyler, so I left with only my personal items. I want no reminder of him or our time living together. I kept some things that hold memories from my parents’ home, but I will mostly be starting from scratch.

Finishing up in the wine aisle, I get a couple bottles of my favorite red and make my way to the checkout. The cute blond-haired cashier is wearing a ponytail with a name tag that readsNora. She can’t be more than seventeen. As I load my groceries onto the conveyor belt, I hear her ask, “Are you here on vacation?”

I look up and smile at her. “No, I just moved here. I bought the old Murphy’s cottage. I just got into town a few minutes ago, and I’m on my way to see it for the first time.”

“You didn’t see it before you bought it?” She asks with a surprised look on her face.

“Nope, I just saw the pictures online, but I always vacationed here with my parents, so I’m familiar with the area.” I put the last items on the belt and push my cart to my bagged-up groceries. I put the bags in the cart as she fills them.

“Are you married?” I see her looking at my hand for a ring.

I’ve forgotten how nosy small towns are. Smiling, I shake my head. “No, just me.”

“I’ve driven by the Murphy’s cottage before. It does need a little work, but it’s such a nice location, so close to downtown and right on the water. Plus, the neighbor is hot even if he is close to like thirty. He’s a real good handyman, too, if you need any help with the place.” She winks at me with a big grin on her face.