“Good night Noah,” I whisper before turning and walking up the stairs. I glance back before going inside. He turns around to look at me. We hold each other’s gaze before I quickly break away and go inside.
Heading straight to the fridge, I down a glass of water, hoping the coolness will soothe this heat inside me. Putting a hand on my chest, I feel the fast rhythm of my heart. I take deep breaths of air to calm this storm of emotions inside of me. I turn off the lights in the kitchen and head to the shower to rinse the sand off, hoping the water will calm me.
Lying in bed later, I finally drift off into a restless sleep.
* * *
“You’re mine,” he whispers into my ear. “You’ve always been mine. We belong together—it’s written in the stars for every lifetime. We are one.” Sliding into me, I moan. “Yes, baby, that’s it. We fit together. No one can ever fill you like this. No one can ever make you feel like this.” He sucks my tight nipple into his mouth, biting down and mixing the pain with pleasure. I arch my back, begging for more as his hand slides down to rub my sensitive spot. Whimpering, I rub myself greedily against his hand. Needing, wanting, something more. “Look at me, my love.” Opening my eyes, ocean blue eyes stare back at me. “It’s me—it’s always been me. You came back to me.”
Pantinghard and gasping for air, I sit up in bed. Sunlight streams into my bedroom. My tank top clings to me, and my hair is matted with sweat. My mattress looks like a tornado has hit it. Sheets and covers are twisted and thrown to the side. A throbbing ache between my legs has me pressing my thighs together. Did I just have my first sex dream? The dream was so intense and felt so real. The part that has me the most unsettled is those eyes that stared back at me. I know those eyes. They are Noah’s.
Wakingup from another restless night’s sleep, I go for a run to clear my head. Nala runs alongside me, enjoying every moment. I glance over as I run by Emma’s house. I don’t see her out on the deck, but it’s hard to tell from this far away.
I couldn’t believe my luck last night when I went for a walk and happened to see her on the beach. I had been laying in bed after dinner and got this restless urge that I couldn’t shake, so I thought a walk might help. I heard her laughter first before I saw her sitting there by herself. I would love to know what she was laughing about, but I didn’t push it when she changed the subject.
Replaying the conversation in my mind, I know what I said about finding beauty in the darkest corners got to her. She tried to blink away the tears before I saw them, but I noticed them. I had to fist my hands in the sand to keep from touching her and letting her know she was not alone. That she has me, has always had me. The urge to wrap her in my arms and protect her kept me awake last night.
I pick up the pace as I turn around and continue back home, enjoying the way my muscles start to burn. It took me over an hour to get to sleep last night and a very cold shower to cool down the heat in my body. That single touch nearly sent me to my knees as my desire for her heightened. Luckily, Nala made it easier for me to lose some of the tension I had been holding to stop myself from getting a taste of her.
Nearing our home, Nala makes a break for it as I yell her name and run after her. She heads straight for Emma’s house before I can catch her. She bounds up the stairs, and I follow behind her. I see Emma wearing a pink pajama set with little flamingos on it as she smiles at Nala and gives her a big hug. “How’s my favorite dog today?” She coos as Nala eats up the attention.
“Sorry about that. I went for a run, and she took off on me. I guess you’ve become her favorite person.” I never wanted to be a dog so much in my life as I watch her lavish attention on Nala.
“She’s welcome here anytime.” She looks up at me. I see her eyes roam my body as they turn a darker green.
I let her stare for a minute, enjoying the way she’s looking at me. “See anything you like?” I ask in a quiet voice. Wearing only shorts and running shoes, I know there’s plenty to look at.
Snapping her eyes back up to meet mine, her face turns red from being caught. “As a matter of fact, I do.” She has a gleam in her eyes. My heart does a little flip as I step closer, wondering if this could be the moment I can kiss her. Turning her eyes to Nala, she nuzzles her nose. “This beautiful girl right here.”
Running a hand through my sweaty hair, I let out a small laugh. “Well played.”
Laughing, she takes a sip of her coffee. “Would you like something to drink? I have coffee, of course,” she raises her mug, “or water if the coffee is too hot for you after a run.”
“I’ll take a cup of coffee if it’s not too much trouble and maybe a towel.” I point to the sweat dripping off my body.
“It’s no problem at all.” She gets up, avoiding getting too close to my body as she nervously puts her hair behind her ears. She can lie to herself all she wants. She definitely likes what she sees. “I’ll be right back.”
I glance down at the table and see my book sitting there. I smile, loving that she loves our stories so much. I look over at Nala sitting there like she owns the place. “Do you have to get all the attention? How about saving some for me.” She cocks her head to the side while she listens to me.
I spot an outdoor shower on the wall and remove my socks and shoes. I step under the spray and quickly rinse off my sweat. I had planned on jumping in the ocean after my run, so thankfully, I have on my quick-drying shorts. I put my head under the water before rinsing the sweat off my chest and back.
Turning off the shower, I turn around and see Emma standing there with a towel in her hand. Her green eyes lift to mine, and the desire I see lights a fire inside me. I hold her gaze, and without thinking, I reach up and tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, needing to touch her. I hear her breath hitch. She briefly leans into my touch before tearing herself away. I drop my hand and clench it at my side, stopping myself from pulling her to me and giving in to what I crave. I take the towel from her and give her a small smile. “Thank you for the towel and the coffee.” I dry off a bit and sit down at the table.
“You're welcome.” She sits down with me.
I take a sip and close my eyes. “Mmm, just how I like it with just a touch of vanilla creamer.”
“I didn’t even think to ask you. Weird, I just knew what to do.” She looks confused.
“Well, you must’ve had a feeling that we like it the same way.” I try not to grin like an idiot that she remembered subconsciously.
“Maybe.” She sounds doubtful as she picks up her mug to take a drink.
I look at her mug and laugh. “I think that’s the most adorable picture I’ve ever seen. Is that you and your parents?”