This isn’t what I meant.
His lips press a small kiss to her forehead.
Oh this is bad.
This is really bad.
We aren’t live, so we can edit it out at least, but she’s going to talk, and if people leak this. I mean he’s touching her.
I’m ready to run into the scene when she stares up at him. “I don’t think you were supposed to do that.”
He winks. “But does it feel better?”
Oh for the love of God.
She nods.
“Then who cares? I want to take care of my fans the way they take care of me.”
Someone makes a noise, I look behind me, oh give me a break, is someone on set crying?
This would be the time the jealous girlfriend runs out and screams that they have a sex tape, okay maybe not really, that’s too far, way too far, what am I thinking?
“So,” She’s quite honestly handling his gorgeousness like a champ, most girls would be comatose by now. “What do these tattoos mean?”
Oh no.
They’re the ones I’ve helped him with. Her fingers trace a few of them, of the ones I was there watching get inked on his precious skin.
“Nothing.” His jaw flexes as he looks over his shoulder, glancing at me before saying again. “They mean absolutely nothing.”
My heart drops to my stomach, then my feet, and then all I have is emptiness and pure rage.
He knows my reasons! He knows why I pushed him away. I was protecting him! I am protecting him! His image is what matters, haven’t I proven that? And then he does this?
I sway on my feet a bit, then I’m the one leaning against the tree, as if I’ve stood for hours.
“I like them.” She rubs her thumb over his wrist one more time.
He stands to his full height and holds out his hand. “Good, think we can make it to the top of the trail now?”
She grabs his hand. “Well my idol gave me energy I didn’t know I needed.”
“Ah, the power of a break?”
“The power of an innocent kiss.”
He interlaces his hand with hers. “Don’t believe everything you see.”
She stumbles again and off they go, up the trail.
The camera’s follow them while they overlook the hill and drink wine, he pours her a glass and clinks it with hers. “To a new friendship.”
“Sookie, I don’t think you’re capable of having friends that are girls.” She laughs.
The crew laughs behind me.
It wasn’t cute, what she said.