My. Hope.
A random fan who I initially was so angry at having to meet.
All of us sat by her bedside. Both groups, all the girls, and everything just seemed to be buried despite all the controversy. It wasn’t clean. It was messy.
And in the end.
They produced.
TestME took over, as true juniors.
Suho walked forward and I’ll never forget the moment. He sat on her hospital bed. “Holding on,” he started singing. “Is the bravest thing, so beautiful, what a beginning… I’ll see you in everything, even when I look in the mirror, I’ll see the girl, the bravery, the one I would have liked to hold hands with. Gift. What a gift.”
Shaking, I’d walked over and held her hand.
She smiled up at all of us and whispered. “See? It all worked out. Maybe that was my purpose.”
“What?” Eric started crying. “What?”
“To remind you why you do what you do. Life is so hard, it’s never easy, every day, taking a breath is hard, but my God you have breath.” She smiled. “Wow, it’s pretty you know, it’s pretty the air up here.”
I reached for her and started sobbing.
And she went.
She went like the air she breathed.
I’ll never forget her.
When that first song ended to crazy applause after our performance at the biggest awards show in the world, I walked off stage and found Ari the way she found me.
The end was the beginning.
The beginning the end.
“WHO WANTS FOOD!?” Eric yells, and so we ate.
And we talked.
And we ignored the gossip.
We ignored everything but our relationships.
It was beautiful.
But it’s just the beginning…
It’s a weird feeling.
When you have so much success.
When you keep secrets you know you can never tell.
And when you watch your friends finally find themselves the way I did.