Page 96 of Lost In Seoul

Sookie sets down his envelope and then points to his mic. “Can you help me take this off?”

“Oh shoot, I forgot, and you’re all wet.”

‘Yes, I was used for target practice today.”

I laugh and flip off his mic then pull it. “I’ll go give this to the PA.”

He jerks me into the changing room and starts kissing me right away.

Playing with fire.

I grip the microphone in my hand careful not to turn it back on, between broken kisses he peels the shirt from his body, he looks so good, my hands are warm against his cool chest.

“Mmmmm, that feels good.” He whispers. “You’re body’s so warm, what if I got hypothermia?”

I tear my mouth away from his. “Pretty sure getting naked is a bad idea, I like the direction you’re going.” I palm the front of his shorts, feeling his throbbing heat.

He bites out a curse. “I swear I’ll make it fast.”

“I think every girl waits for those words, maybe traces them in her school notebook.” I tease.

He pinches my ass. “Maybe that can be the next tattoo you take me to get.”

“I think, you would need to explain that to more than just the guys in the group but your fandom.” I grip his arm.

“Sookie.” A male voice sounds followed by a knock.

It’s Jay.

Sookie lowers his head. “I’ll be right out.”

“Rae was looking for you, I told him you already went back to the house but he wants you to record for an hour or so while we have a break.”

“Right, okay one minute.”

He tries the handle and let’s himself in. “No, not one min---” Jay turns around. “Please tell me you two weren’t sneaking off—again.”

“His clothes were wet.” I say lamely.

Jay cackles out a very unamused laugh. “And he suddenly forgot how to use a towel?”

I nod. “Amnesia from the cold.”

“I had hypothermia.” Sookie pipes up.

“Unbelievable! You’re just as bad as he is and—”

“Yo, Sookie you in here changing?” Kai’s voice sounds, followed by Lucas’s, just open it.

The door opens again, and Kai and Lucas stumble in, it closes behind them in a final click, I’m sure they see my swollen lips followed by the fact that Sookie has no shirt on and has equally swollen lips.

Lucas shoots me a glare, then looks at Sookie. “You can’t be doing this, there are too many cameras!”

Sookie rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay Mr. Self-Control.”

Lucas jabs a finger at him. “Why is it that the maknae is always the rebel? Why?”

Kai sighs. “I think it stems from being protected so long, almost like a pastors kid who suddenly goes to college and is allowed to watch Harry Potter.”