Since I don’t have an instrument to put away other than my amazing voice, I exit the studio before everyone else. I have my mind set on smoothing things over with Shaina. Striding through the lounge space on my way to the hall, I almost miss them.

I stop, back up, and glare at my daughter. “What the hell, Peace Addison Jinkins?”

“I’m sorry, Daddy.” Her eyes grow as large as spotlights from under the side table where she was hiding with Bo and is now cowering since I discovered her.

Bo isn’t cowering. He’s wearing a belligerent look.

“You know my studio is off-limits.” I tug her out of her hiding place and search her gaze, trying to figure out what her motivation was for disobeying me.

“I know.” She drops her chin and apologizes again. “I’m really, really sorry.”

“It was my idea.” Bo climbs out, straightens, and locks eyes with me.

“Was it?” I shift my displeasure to him.

“Yeah.” He squares his shoulders and cranks up his chin. “Stupid-ass rule, if you ask me.”

“Stupid, huh?” I fight a grin. The little shit is just a boy, but he’s fucking fearless. I’m interested to see what type of man he will become.

“We weren’t bothering anyone.” He spreads his feet like he did when he first arrived. With his dad or me, he holds his ground. “Peace had nothing to do with us coming in here.”

“You forced her to come with you, huh?” I arch a disbelieving brow. “Is that what you expect me to believe?”

“Sure.” His strong features firm, he throws his arm around her shoulders. “Whatever.”

“That true, Peace?” I refocus on her.

Obviously, Bo is lying, but he’s not going to break, not if it means getting Peace into trouble. Bo being protective of Peace reminds me of the time when the cops pulled Bryan and me over. Only this situation isn’t as serious as when we hotwired my old man’s car.

“No, Daddy.” Peace lifts her head. Her eyes are glistening and her lips tremble, but she owns up to the lie.

I’m proud of her for being honest, but I also feel like an asshole at the sight of those tears.

“Bo wanted to hear the band. I told him about your rule. It was my idea to hide under the table.” She starts shaking so badly, she drops the spiral notebook she had hugged to her chest.

“What’s this?” I pick it up. The cover has doodles and her handwriting all over it.

“It’s nothing.” She glances away.

It’s nothing that is extremely important. That glance-away ploy doesn’t work on me. After all, I perfected the maneuver.

“Try again,” I say softly but firmly.

Bo moves in front of Peace and glares up at me. “Why are you being such an asshole?”

“Robert,” Bryan snaps as he comes to a stop beside me.

Distracted by Bo and Peace, I didn’t hear him exit the studio.

He points to a spot in front of him. “Come here right now.”

“Fuck.” Bo grabs and squeezes Peace’s hand before jauntily striding to his dad.

“Sorry about Bo.” Bryan meets my gaze, then drops a heavy hand on his son’s shoulder. “I’ll take him upstairs. Have a word with him. I promise he won’t come into the studio again unless he’s invited.”

“Don’t be too hard on them,” Dizzy says from behind us. “They’re just kids. It’s not like they’re breaking the law or doing drugs.”

I turn my head and see that Sager and King are there too. Apparently, they’ve all been watching us.