“War,” Shaina says in warning, glancing at our girls.

“Sorry, sweetness.” I rake a hand through my hair. “Those idiots think the only rock bands still relevant are those that are pivoting to pop.”

“Who’s pivoting?” Sager’s dark brown brows draw together.

“Don’t remember the entire list,” I say with a shrug. “Most were second-tier bands compared to us. But there was one that bears mentioning.”

“Who?” King asks.

“Brutal Strength,” I tell him.

“Putas,” King spits out. “Except Red. Avery’s all right.”

“Yeah.” Bryan nods his agreement. “Keep Avery Jones out of any trash-talking involving BS.”

Lace frowns. Although she and Bryan are solid, and Avery’s brief fling with Bryan is a distant memory, it still remains a sore spot.

“She’s Avery Anthony now.”

When Dizzy points that out, Bryan frowns.

“Marcus Anthony is an arrogant prick.” I turn the focus on who it needs to be on, and I get nods of agreement from everyone.

“Of course, you’re one too.” Bryan has a point of his own to make, the bastard.

Sager nods wisely. “But he’s our arrogant prick.”

“Right. Thanks, Sager.”

“Don’t mention it,” he deadpans.

“Our marketing firm polled our fans,” I say, making an effort to keep us on track. “Asking them who they think is the best band rock band in the business. Tempest or BS.”

“Who did they pick?” King asks as he leans forward. All the guys do.

“You’re not gonna like this.” I don’t keep them in suspense. “It wasn’t us.”

Bryan scowls. “That’s totally whacked.”

“How close was the vote?” Sager asks.

“Too close.”

Dizzy gives me a questioning look. “When did this vote take place?”

“A month ago.” I aim my serious-as-shit gaze at him, and then I pass it around.

“Why didn’t you tell us this as soon as we arrived,ese?” King asks, his fingers twitching as if he’s itching for his sticks.

“I’m telling you now.”

“We’re better than BS,” Sager says somberly.

“We are,” I say with a nod. “Wholeheartedly.”

Sager gives me a questioning look. “So, what are we going to do to prove it?”

I grin. He’s no longer worried about it being Christmas Eve. No one is. So, I lay out my plan.