“They’re still together now.” Shaina takes my hand and brings me to our window.

I peer out. In the backyard, Bo and Peace are smushed together on the outdoor daybed.

The firepit is on. A box of graham crackers and marshmallows lie forgotten on a tray beside them. Both their faces are tipped up to the sky, which is full of stars tonight. They’re sharing a pair of earbuds, the black wire stretched between them.

Harmony is also outside. She’s sitting on one of the Adirondack chairs, but she isn’t looking up at the sky. Her gaze is locked on her sister and Bo. Whereas those two appear sublimely chill, Harmony doesn’t look chill at all.

“Harmony feels left out,” Shaina says.

“Yeah, apparently.” I shift to look at my beautiful wife. “But I have an idea to get us all together. Tomorrow.”

“I thought you were working on the album.” Her brow scrunches in confusion.

“The album can wait. I want to spend time with my family.” I want them to know by my actions what they mean to me. That they’re a priority.

“War.” Her face softens.

“Sweetness.” My lips curve. I’m so getting laid tonight. “We’ll go to that pizza place you all like.”


“Yes, and afterward, I thought I’d take Peace to the library. Let her pick out some books. Let her know I see and hear her. That I listen when she speaks. That we might be different, but that I understand her.”

“That’s a wonderful idea.” Shaina swallows and her eyes brighten as if her throat is suddenly tight.

“That’s just the beginning,” I say. “I want to make the library thing a monthly trip for her and me. I thought you might do something special with Harmony too. Maybe take her to a play.”

“MJ, the musical, is in town.”

“Perfect.” I warm even more to my idea. “Harmony will love that.”

“I’ll talk to her.” Shaina starts to move away.

“I’ll talk to Peace.” I grab her arm. “But since both our daughters are busy right now, how about we get busy?”

“I like this plan.” Her eyes darkening with desire, she slides her arms around my neck.

“Hell yes.” I grab her ass, and she frames my face in her hands, bringing my mouth to hers.

And getting busy is exactly what we do.

While Shaina is showering—the second time, because getting busy with my woman involved more than just one thorough fucking—I exit our bedroom. It’s late, but it’s time to check on my girls. I head straight for Peace’s room.

“My dad said they’ll have enough material in a few more days.”

I wonder who Peace is talking to. Easing open the door, I frown.

Peace and Bo are sitting cross-legged on her bed. Bo is wearing flannel pajamas and a Martin guitar T-shirt. Peace is wearing her ruffly pink pajamas with the candy cane print.

I know they’re just kids, but as a dad, an overprotective one, I bristle. My daughter is growing up. I want her to stop. Though I realize I can ground her all I want, she’s going to get older no matter what I do.

“My dad said the same thing.” Bo doesn’t look happy.

“So, that means you’re leaving soon.” Peace brings one of her pigtails to her mouth and peers at him through her lashes. “I’ll miss you.”

“Yeah, I’ll miss you too.” Bo’s shoulders droop. “But we can talk on the phone whenever you want.” He removes his phone from the front pocket of his pajamas. “What’s your number?”

Releasing the pigtail, she gives it to him.