Avery gives me a challenging look. “I’ll bet you 500,000 dollars in the form of a charitable donation to Feeding the Hungry that my band’s song will be better than yours.”

“One million,” I say, upping the wager. “Split in half. Five hundred thousand to the food bank. Five hundred thousand to Hope House.”

“You’re on.” She holds out her arm, hand extended.

“We’re gonna kick your ass.” I take her hand and shake it. “How do you propose for the winner to be determined?”

“We’ll do a concert,” Avery says. “At Hope House, like we did all those years ago when it opened. Only this time, all the ticket sales will be split between our two charities.”

“That would work.” I nod. “Miriam will love planning another Hope House concert.”

“We’ll stream it live for free so everyone who wants to can watch it.” Avery’s eyes twinkle and her voice rises with excitement. “We’ll do online voting. The song that gets the most votes wins.”

“Not just a million up for grabs. Let’s make it a little more serious.”

I cast my gaze around. All the Tempest guys are here but Sager and King. We’ll have to bring them up to speed later.

“The winner gets bragging rights and the title of Best Rock Band, and if Mary changes her mind about a tour, the winner gets top billing for that too.”

“Deal.” Avery squeezes my hand hard.

She’s a guitarist. She has quite a grip, but I keep my expression blank.

“You’re on.” I squeeze her fingers harder than she’s squeezing mine. “But it’s not gonna be much of a contest. Tempest is definitely going to win.”

After our handshake agreement, I do my best to get rid of Avery and Justin. Avery is in Brutal Strength. I don’t want her sticking around and learning something to give her and her band an edge over Tempest.

I almost have the Jones’ twins out the door when Shaina announces breakfast. Of course, my sweetness invites them to join us.

Surprisingly, after everyone gets comfortable around the table, those two fit right in. Conversation flows. The Tempest guys like Justin. I acknowledge to myself that he’s an okay guy, but he tried to take my place in the band. That kind of shit is unforgivable in my mind.

While Justin updates everyone about his wife, Bridget, and their son, Carter, who is older than the Tempest kids and about to get his license to drive, Avery is notably still. There is obvious tension between her and Lace. They took seats on opposite ends of our table.

I can tell Bryan is doing his best to avoid looking at her. I wonder if there is something going on with Avery and Bryan that I don’t know about.

“I think it’s really cool you play lead guitar,” Peace says to Avery, giving her a tentative smile.

“Thank you, honey.” Avery returns my daughter’s smile. “Do you like music?”

“I love it.” Her brows draw together. “But I’m not a singer like my dad or my sister, Harmony.”

“Who’s your favorite band?” Avery asks Peace.

My daughter glances at me. Finding me listening, she says, “Tempest, of course.”

“Right.” Avery shifts, putting her back between me and Peace. “But who else?”

“Bob Dylan. Elton John.” Peace’s voice rises, revealing her enthusiasm. “Pink Floyd. The Rolling Stones. U2.”

“Wow.” Avery’s emerald eyes widen. “That’s quite an eclectic list. Any current bands besides your dad’s that you like?”

I try to lean forward to see Peace, but I’m unable to see around Avery the giantess.

“I really like the last acoustic album you did with your brother.”

Son of a bitch.

“That’s one of my favorites.” Avery exchanges a glance with Justin. “We worked hard together on those songs. I’ll get you a signed copy of that album if you’d like one.”