“Do you? Truly?”

“We both have careers that take us away at times. You support me.” She searches my gaze. “And I support you. We’re a team. What’s this really about?”

“I don’t feel like I’m communicating well with Peace,” I say. “Makes me antsy about leaving.” Frustrated, I release Shaina and rake a hand through my hair. “She thinks I don’t love her as much as Harmony.”

“She’s almost a teenager.” Shaina’s gaze turns reflective. “Figuring life out at her age isn’t easy.”

“All the more reason for me to stay home.” I exhale heavily. “So I can help her.”

“But you said you need to go.”

“Need and want are separate things.”

“So, make them the same.” Shaina’s brows draw together. “Figure it out. I have complete faith in you.”

“Know you do, sweetness.” My woman and her faith in me rock me to the core. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Her eyes warm. “So do the girls. It’ll be okay.”

“I hope so. I want them to be proud of me. I want you all to know that I’m here when you need me.”

I’m determined to be a good husband and dad, unlike the asshole who spawned me.

“Sexy woman.” At the bottom of the stairs, I find Shaina, move beside her, and squeeze her ass.

“Sexy man.” She squeezes mine back, swaying her sassy hips as she leaves me behind and walks into the kitchen.

Grinning at her backside like the lovesick fool that I am, I watch her a moment more before striding into the living room. My grin slides right off my face when I see the two guests who weren’t invited by me.

“Hey, War.” Justin Jones gives me a chin lift from his seat in my favorite comfy chair. “How’s it hanging?”

It’s not hanging at all. I’m still sporting a hard-on inspired by my woman, but I don’t acknowledge his greeting or him. I focus my attention on the other redhead in the room.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I let out a warning growl and head toward her.

“Whoa, War.” Bryan stands and blocks me from reaching Avery Jones, the lead guitarist and co-lyricist for Brutal Strength. “Dial down the intimidating vibes.”

“Who the fuck invited Avery Jones?” I glare at Bryan, suspecting it was him.

“No one invited me.” Avery stands, leaving Dizzy alone on the couch where she had been sitting beside him.

I haven’t seen the Brutal Strength guitarist in a while, but she looks good. She’s tall for a woman. I know she still does some modeling, but she’s shorter than me.

“I heard you want to tour with Brutal Strength again,” she says.

“Who told you?” I turn my gaze to my number one suspect. “Bry?”

“It wasn’t me.” He shakes his head.

“Not me either.” Justin waves his hands in front of himself, as if that will redirect my wrath.

“Mary told me,” Avery says.

“Who the fuck told her?” My brow furrows in confusion.

“I did,” Melinda says sweetly, and I turn. “Morning, everyone.”

Sager’s woman releases the handrail as she steps off the last stair. Unfurling a slender white cane, she sweeps it back and forth, avoiding furniture that almost certainly has shifted overnight.