I think Peace is more like me than she thinks, and that she hides behind those books because she’s afraid people won’t like her.

Maybe all she needed to come out of her shell was to find the right friend.

“Daddy.” Harmony shakes me awake.

“It’s not time to get up yet,” I mutter. Cracking my eyes open, I immediately close them. “The sun’s not even up.”

“It’s Christmas,” she whines and pushes on my shoulder again.

“I need more sleep,” I say and blame Shaina. “Your mom kept me up all night.”

“War,” Shaina mumbles sleepily. “That wasn’t me.” She rolls over in the opposite direction and yanks the covers over her head.

“Climb in bed with us,” I say to Harmony. “Give your mom and me a few more minutes.”


Thankfully, she climbs between us and falls asleep.

* * *

“Dad, wake up.”

Waking to another shoulder shove, I find myself staring into a pair of beautiful brown-and-gold-flecked eyes that aren’t sleepy at all.

“Everyone’s already up,” Peace tells me.

Harmony pops up. “Present time!” she yells, slapping me and her mom.

“Okay. Okay.” I throw back the covers. “Give me some room,” I tell Peace. “I gotta take a piss.”

“Dad, ewww.” Peace wrinkles her cute nose.

My girls don’t get that I’m a big rock star. I’m just Dad to them. I like that. Rocking hard is what I do. Being their dad is who I am, who I always will be with them.

I shuffle into the en suite, take care of business, wash my hands, and walk out to an empty bedroom.

Fuck.They didn’t wait for me.

Getting my ass in gear, I drag on a pair of jeans, rake a hand through my bed hair, and head downstairs. I hear multiple voices on my way down and can easily identify Peace, of course, and Harmony.

When I appear, Shaina moves toward me from the kitchen and hands me a steaming cup of Joe.

“Thanks, babe.” I set the mug down and bring her close. I need the caffeine desperately, but I need her more.

She’s wearing a slinky robe over her nightgown. Having intimate knowledge of all the sexiness hidden beneath all that silk, my cock punches my fly.

“Three times last night wasn’t enough,” I murmur in her ear and grin when she shivers for me.

“Merry Christmas, War.” Her voice husky, she eases back.

Looking at her, I feel like the luckiest asshole on the planet.

“Love you,” I tell her, my eyes burning, and she slowly smiles at me as if those words are the best present she ever received. “I got you something.”

She frowns. “I thought we said we weren’t giving presents except to the girls this year.”

“I couldn’t help it. I saw this while on tour this summer, and I wanted you to have it.” I release her to dig in my front pocket. “Turn around.”