Page 10 of When Darkness Falls

Miya couldn’t resist trying both at the moment. Something to brighten up her fucked-up day.

Too tired to get the bralette off afterwards, she plopped down on the disinfectant-smelling bed and went out like a pre-space candle.

Miya had no idea how long she had slept, but she felt like crap when the persistent pinging of her comm woke her up.

For a second there, she was too disoriented to remember she was lying on a bed wide enough for half a human, and nearly fell off while trying to reach the annoying device on the nightstand. At least the near-fall woke her up enough to realize what that very specific sound meant.

It wasn’t an incoming call from the Commander or Solais. It was an alarm signal sent by the autopilot.

A ship was drawing near.


Not Swiss Cheese Yet

Barefoot, with curls sticking out in all directions and face still carrying the imprint of the sheets, Miya barged into the cockpit. The alarm here was even more insistent than the one sounding from the comm unit on her hastily zipped-up jumpsuit.

Whoever was flying near them was getting closer and closer.

“What’s with all the beeping?”

Miya barely spared the blond human lying on the passenger seats a glance in passing.

The first thing she did even before sitting was turn the alarm off, because she couldn’t think with that sound hammering into her head. Then she looked at the images displayed by the external cameras. Those confirmed what she was seeing on the radar.

“What’s going on, pilot?” the soldier insisted. He no longer sounded sleepy but concerned. He must have seen her facial expression.

“Better get the Commander.” Miya was already strapping in and taking over from the autopilot. It would never drive as fast as she intended to. “We’ve got company.”

After that she focused on accelerating fast, not bothering to see whether the soldier was doing as asked, or hanging around to first determine whether the Commander was actually needed.

Miya herself wasn’t sure the Commander was needed. It wasn’t like he could help her get away from the sleek black ship the likes of which she had never seen before. Whatever model that was, it was fast and maneuverable, unlike the mid-aged tin can Miya was behind the holowheel of.

“Report, pilot!” the Commander barked from behind her a minute later. He sounded as though he had just woken up.

“Unidentifiable ship in pursuit, gaining fast.”

Miya took another slight shift to the right just to triple-check. Yup, the black beauty behind them mirrored the move. Definitely in pursuit.

“No logo on the hull? Anything about the model?”

“Take a look yourself. The military got a classified ship like that?”

He leaned over her shoulder to examine the monitors, and Miya could not but notice he was in a T-shirt and shorts. “Not that I’m aware of. Pirates?”

“Too fancy. Unless they’ve stolen the ship, of course… You really have no idea who’s after us?”

“Why would you think I do?” Miya felt his scrutinizing look while focused on the task of breaking System 6’s speed limit.

“Maybe because you’re transporting a dangerous prisoner? Isn’t it possible for someone to want to bust him out? Or eliminate him before he testifies or something? After all, he did mention we might have a tail.”

“Hewhat? When? Why the fuck wasn’t I informed?”

Oops. “He might have said something along the lines of ‘we’re all going to die’?” That sounded like a cheesy line out of the retro horror flicks from the 21stcentury she liked to watch, but she didn’t feel like laughing.

Neither did the Commander. “Varga!” he barked into his comm. “Ask our guest who would be after us. Don’t take silence for an answer. Use the electric shocker, if necessary.”

Splendid. First drugs, now a shocker… The military deserved an award for hospitality.