Miya looked toward the cage in time to catch the assassin smiling. The elongated canines he was flashing made that smile much more impactful than Solais’ bared teeth.

The Cordalian clearly thought so too, because he went speechless for a moment there. “Ten doses in one go would put even you out for a day, assassin,” Solais said eventually. “Just wait and see!”

“You have that many doses available? Will they last until the very end of the trip?”


“Sol, where are you going?” Zizu sounded panicky.

Solais kept stomping toward the doors. “Thiscurholeis getting tranqued right now.”

“Sol, you can’t leave your post!” Zizu called after him. “We can wake some of the others to bring us the tranq–”

“Be back in two,” he yelled over his shoulder before the doors closed behind him.

So much for following orders. Cordalians and their raging hormones knew no rules. Why the military welcomed them was beyond Miya.

“Finishing up there?” Zizu asked, her voice strained, blaster at the ready. Something told Miya the Cordalian would not be getting a warm welcome from his abandoned teammate anytime soon.

“Um, yeah. Almost.” Miya should really stop getting distracted and get her task done.

“Be careful on the way down. You’re the only pilot we’ve got.”

Miya smiled. “I’ve got this. Gymnastics as a child and rock climbing in high school made sure of that.”

Several minutes later, Miya got safely down under Zizu’s impressed gaze. The soldier was less tense now, given how her dark-blue eyes were taking Miya in rather than watching the prisoner.

“You’re as agile as my kind, human! Solais was right about you.”

“Hm?” Miya cleaned her hands with the instant-wash solution she always kept in one of her jumpsuit’s many pockets. “How so?”

“You’d make a wonderful addition to our bed.”

Miya coughed. Zizu made that sound perfectly normal, and on many worlds being with multiple partners at the same time was normal. In Miya’s personal world though? Not so much.

“I’ll have to politely decline," Miya noted while pocketing the cleaning solution.

“Why so? Are you against interspecies copulation?”

Ugh, why did aliens always use that dry term? “Not at all. I’ve had non-human partners before.”

Not that those relationships had lasted long. Working on a space station where everyone was just passing through wreaked havoc on one’s love life. “It’s just that I’m a monogamous kind of girl. No offense.”

Zizu laughed, the sound like a shriek to Miya’s ears. “None taken. Sharing is not for everyone. I myself have no problem–”

“You will, and soon,” the prisoner cut into the conversation. “Unless we get moving.”

So much for Zizu starting to relax her grip on the blaster. “That a threat?” Her voice was shaking now. “What exactly will happen if we’re not on our way?”

“You will part not only with your bodies’ sensual merger but with your lives as well.” Said calmly and matter-of-factly.

‘Sensual merger’? That sounded strange but was at least less cringe-y than ‘copulation’. And it was something Miya preferred to be thinking about instead of her possible death due to a delayed departure.

“Why would we die if we delay our departure?” The words simply tumbled out of her mouth. Splendid. She had just joined the chit-chat with the prisoner.

Well, there was no taking that question back, so she might as well ask another one. “You’re going to kill us?”

“Never saidIwould kill you, Earthling.”