For that reason, Miya had been hastily told to ‘do your job in the cargo hold’. And to ‘be done in 10 minutes, because wecan’tbe delayed any longer’.

Well, boohoo. Miya didn’t care that the mission was clearly time-sensitive. She would work as fast as possible for the injured passenger’s sake, not for the timely delivery of some hunky alien in the hands of the intergalactic military.

Speaking of the prisoner, it turned out there was an extra layer of security to keep him from escaping. As the Cordalian had told her upon letting the cargo hold’s lock scan his hand, only authorized members of the unit could open those doors.

“How about your ship’s pilot being authorized too?” Miya had grumbled in reaction. “Someone capable of acting rationally before another passenger gets hurt?”

“You shouldn’t go in there on your own, sugar. My teammates and I always enter in twos. Just in case. Now get those lickable legs moving.”

“A little paranoid about security, aren’t you?” she had muttered.

But once inside, Miya had taken a look at the cage first. To make sure that it was firmly in place and that she wouldn’t have to go anywhere near the bars to fix the imbalance in the cargo hold.

Thankfully, everything in that part of the storage space had been exactly as she had left it before takeoff. The prisoner’s head being turned in her direction included.

Now Miya was maneuvering a carrier bot to the scattered containers using the control tablet. The sturdy humanoid robot was half her size but would get the heavy lifting done. Once the boxes were back in place, she would see about patching up the broken hook and retying the ropes.

While the bot was slowly pushing the first container toward the right spot, Miya found her gaze sliding sideways to the prisoner. Only to discover his bronze-skinned head was again turned in her direction.

No, it had to be the sound of the bot’s continuous track wheels turning that had attracted his attention, since Miya had not said a single word since her entry. Just how sensitive were those pointed ears of his? Was he sniffing the air right now with that long and elegant nose of his?

And was he flexing his biceps, or were his muscles simply that impressively defined?


Miya jumped in place, nearly dropping the tablet. She quickly returned her attention to the bot, which by this point had slightly bypassed the container’s original spot.


She fixed the bot’s course and sent it back for the next container. Galaxies, these carrier bots were slooow.

“Everything under control there, sugar? You’ve got 5 minutes left.”

Miya shot the Cordalian a look over her shoulder. He was standing next to the other guard on duty in the cargo hold and only female on the unit. His tail was caressing her thigh right over her backward-bent knee, and the alien woman didn’t mind one bit.

In fact, when Miya and the Cordalian had come in, the female soldier had all but thrown herself in his arms. Her extra long and bone-thin green fingers on his chest, the Mantianite had told him the story about the accident she had had a front-row seat for. Her overly big orange eyes had been entirely focused on him rather than the prisoner she was supposed to be guarding.

At present, both she and the Cordalian were looking at Miya.

“You need help, pilot?” the Mantianite asked politely in the typical shrill voice of her kind.

“Thanks, but I’ve got this.”

After that offer, the two soldiers turned their backs to her and resumed talking quietly.

That didn’t put an end to Miya’s prickling sensation of being watched.

Why was the prisoner so interested in her?


No Sensual Merger

Miya was positioning the final container with the bot’s help when the feeling of being the prisoner’s center of attention finally disappeared. A quick glance showed her he had his head turned in the guards’ direction now.

She found herself straining to hear what those two were whispering about.

They had gotten agitated enough for some of the words to reach Miya’s human ears over the robot’s clanking.