Page 19 of When Darkness Falls

She relaxed her head back onto the sand and closed her eyes. There was solid ground underneath her, breathable air in her lungs, clear blue sky above–

She frowned and cracked an eye open to determine what color the sky actually was on this world. Turned out it was dusty yellow with two orange suns high above, one over the purple ocean and another partially hidden by the head of the alien currently hovering over her.

A completely naked alien.


Miya jumped to her feet as if stung. She had totally forgotten he had removed his jumpsuit earlier.

She quickly turned her back to him before her eyes could stray south of his waist. It was enough that she already had a thing for the wide expanse of his chest; no need to add an impressive bronze package to the list. Or a disappointing teeny-weeny dick. Or a monstrous two-headed cock that–

Nope, she wasnotgoing there. She wasn’t going to peek over her shoulder to satisfy her curiosity!

Okay, just a quick glance–

“Hey, were you staring at my ass?” He had totally been ogling her! He had diverted his green gaze fast, but not fast enough. How dare he…

Miya took a look at herself, suddenly self-conscious. Therak wasn’t the only one without a jumpsuit. Sure, she had undergarments on, but the lace panties barely hid her hoo-ha, and her nipples were playing peekaboo through the bralette. Being wet didn’t help.

“You have sand there,” was his reply, delivered as nonchalantly as usual.

Really?Thatwas his excuse? She rolled her eyes. “I have sand everywhere.”

“You will, if you insist on keeping your sandy hands over those green contraptions.”

Miya gasped. “Well, at least I have the decency to cover myself in some way, unlike someone else I know.” She waved a hand over his naked form before she quickly returned that hand over her crotch.

Her gaze didn’t return back up to his face, though.

Therak’s body was honed to perfection. Just like the prisoner jumpsuit had hinted at, he was built to move like an apex predator, not a tank. Toned, with a tapered waist, drool-worthy abs, a well-defined V pointing down toward– “Holy Earth cow!”

“Is there a problem, Earthling?”

Miya knew she was staring. She knew the polite thing to do was to look away. To look anywhere else but at the goods. But those goods were… oh, boy. As in, poor boys on Earth, they simply couldn’t compare.

So well-shaped, so thick, so long… and completely ready for action.

Miya went as red as an emergency beacon and finally found the strength to turn her back to him again.

“I understand that my physical form affects your female hormones,” Therak spoke behind her, “but I will ask you to remain focused.”

“Excuse me?” She turned partially to face him. “Yourbody affectingme? Look who’s talking!”No, no, don’t look again, Miya!“You’re the one with the raging… hormones!”

Hands on his waist, he looked down at himself.

Miya followed the direction of his gaze. She couldn’t help it.

“Ah. I see now,” he muttered.

“Oh, yeah…” As if that beast he was packing could be missed. It could probably be seen from space. That eye-catching shimmering bronze…

“None of the males of your kind I’ve eliminated over the years were in this state. I presume it is not the norm but the exception for them?”

“The norm…” Miya blinked, trying to focus on his words as well as his face. “You’re saying you’re at full mast at all times?!”

One corner of his lips curled, showing a hint of fang. “Always.”
