Page 14 of When Darkness Falls

The vent’s floor behind her exploded inwards, right between her feet.

Miya screamed. Then screamed some more as blaster fire hit metal.

Was she wounded? Did she have a hole in her chest but was yet to realize it?

She could no longer hear blaster fire, so she risked stopping to check.

Nope, no hole in her chest. She wasn’t wounded at all.

And she had made it into the cargo hold.


The Most Mesmerizing Sight

The feeling of utter relief didn’t last long. Now what? Out of the vent and into her coffin-to-be?

“Earthling, I know you’re there,” a familiar deep voice came from far below. “I can smell you.”

Miya peeked through the mesh flooring of the vent. The prisoner looked the same as the last time she had seen him. The fleeing soldiers had not killed him, but he was still a sitting duck.

“Have you come for my help?”

She hesitated, unsure whether to reply and how.

Her silence obviously told him everything, because his next words were, “The escape pods, then. And I thought you were smart.”

Miya sighed. Smart or not, she had only one option left. So, she resumed crawling toward the only place where she could get down from the extra-high vent without breaking her neck in the process.

“I’m your only chance of survival, Earthling. You must get me out of the cage. Immediately.”

“I’m coming as quickly as possible! Sheesh.” If she fell while lowering herself onto the painfully familiar containers, she wasn’t letting anything but her insides out.

“Dang it!” tore out of Miya as her bare feet took the brunt of the drop onto the top container. But she had made it out of the vent. So far so good.

Now off to magic the assassin out of his prison. No biggie.

“I know you’re afraid of me,” he spoke again when Miya hesitated by the stack of containers. “But if you want to live, you’ll have to trust me.”

“Look, even if I’m willing to believe that you won’t kill me once I release you, I don’t have the keycards either for your cage or for all the other stuff keeping you immobilized. So…”

“All I need from you is to open the cage and take the blindfold off. Leave the rest to me.”


“Hurry, Earthling. They will be able to open the doors soon.”

Yeah, like Miya needed the reminder. ‘Hurry’ seemed to be the word of this endless day. But she had to ask one more question.

“Can you deal withallof them?”

“I can save both of us.”

That didn’t sound evasive at all. It was clear he was going to play her; Miya wasn’t that stupid. But right now she was as backed into a corner as the prisoner was.

“How do I unlock your cage?”

“Use the carrier bot to pull two bars apart. Just enough for you to squeeze in.”