Page 23 of Flamingo Christmas

“And my diabolical plan has already started.” He reached over and patted her belly ever so gently. “Hi, little one, I’m your daddy. And before you’re born, Mommy is going to make you a brand-new flamingo lovey of your very own.”

“I’ve already created the image I’ll use and it’s the cutest toy ever, with an expression of adoration, so every time our baby looks at it, she or he will see love. And before you ask, it will have a jingle in its belly too.”

He laughed. “That’s the most important part.”


On the morning of the wedding, everyone woke up feeling the excitement of the day. Having Art sleep over at her parents’ place gave Sue the opportunity to let Lisa sleep with her as a treat.

When she opened her eyes, it was to see the little girl peering at her with big eyes, and a bigger smile, her well-worn Jingles clutched close in her arms.

“Hi, Mommy. Are you awake?”

“Nope. I’m just sleeping with my eyes open.” Sue laid back with her head on the pillow and the swell of love for this delightful child filling her heart.

“You can’t sleep with your eyes open. Jingles says so.”

“Yeah, well Jingles doesn’t know about my magic powers. I can tickle little girls in my sleep too.” Sue purposely lifted her hand in a searching motion toward Lisa who giggled her delight. “You’re awake.” She launched herself into Sue’s arms. “It’s our wedding day. We have to get dressed.”

Sue held her close and whispered calmly, “Not for hours yet. First we need to make a waffle breakfast for our special ladies.”

“With blueberries and bacon too?”

“Sure. Why not. Let’s spoil them so everyone’s in a good mood for later when we all have to get dressed up and have a wedding.”

True to her word, Sue gathered the group of women who’d opted to spend the night together into a workforce and soon they were gathered around the table with mounds of delicious blueberry waffles, fruit salad, bacon, orange juice… and of course, most importantly, mugs of fresh coffee.

Laughter and gaiety filled the decorated dining room where the other women lavished love on both her and their miracle girl, Lisa. When Sue looked around at the space they’d allocated for the ceremony, every bone in her body turned to mush.

Art, working with both of their fathers, had created a wonderland where they would be married in front of the large Christmas tree. They’d built a movable archway covered in garlands and tiny flamingos, even down to the flamingo-shaped pink lights where later the minister would perform the ceremony. She couldn’t have asked for a more perfect setting.

Not to be outdone, the women had constructed a dream on the staircase of greenery, pink tulle, and lace bows. And placed on every stair, Sue had brought her collection of flamingoes where they were attached by ribbons so as she walked down the steps they wouldn’t be swept up in her skirts.

She’d even found a pale pink wedding gown that she loved. As soon as she saw the ruffled skirt gathered just under her breasts and the pearl-decorated bodice with the incredible yet removable train, she thought of a princess and her world became perfect. The saleswoman had come up with the devious way of leaving room for her growing tummy and after her final fitting the week before, she felt certain it would be perfect.

And Colleen, with her girlfriend Hillie, had fashioned the exact dress in Lisa’s size so she would feel part of the ceremony.

Looking over at the two girls who’d stayed the night so they could dress together before the wedding, Sue had to laugh. She remembered exactly one year ago when her mother had held a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner and Julie’s new friends had brought their daughter, Hillie.

One look, and the two girls had known they belonged together. The next year had been a rollercoaster of love, marriage, and special treatments so now Colleen was as pregnant as Sue. Hillie, being a dream of a homemaker had brightened up all their worlds with her happy ways and her adoration for their friend Colleen.

Seeing Colleen rub her tummy made Sue smile tenderly and sneak a caress for her own belly. Barely managing to keep her secret, dying to tell the world and especially her closest loved ones, she bit her tongue. No way did she want to spoil Art’s surprise announcement. Instead, she focused on Colleen, Hillie, and Jacquie who were all enjoying their breakfast treats.

Colleen suddenly reached over to hug her. “It’s all turned out hasn’t it? When I remember last year at this time, how lonely and devasted I felt, almost to the point of ignoring your parents’ invitation, it was only knowing you and Art would be coming to share your wonderful news about Lisa that made me get off my tush and face everyone.”

“Thank God you did. Or you might have missed out on a whole world of happiness with Hillie.”

“I know. It scares me how close we came to missing each other. Yet other times, I feel that it was meant to be.”

Thoughtful, Sue asked, “Do you think you still would have met?”

Colleen sat thinking for a moment and then added, “Ye-ah. I mean think about it. Can those pivotal moments be that fragile? Miss an event and miss the one person in the world meant for you?”

“Truly, I don’t know. But it’s kind of frightening, isn’t it? Take mine and Art’s story. What would have happened if I hadn’t found Jingles in the back of my closet that day? And if we go back even further, what made my father grab the one stuffed toy from that selection in the store when I was a child? The one he gave me so I wouldn’t be alone when they put me in the trunk to keep me safe. And then they turned it into a reason for my collection. No collection and there wouldn’t have been a Jingles. You’re right. When you think about it, our futures can actually depend on simple moments in time.”

Before they could delve further, the doorbell rang, and the florists arrived laden with arrangements and bouquets and the excitement stopped more discussion.

While they were all getting dressed, they kept the doors open to the hallway so the girls could visit back and forth. Music played in the background, mixing with the laughter and chatter.