“Thanks, Max, but I’ve been doing just fine without your help!” I shot back, laughing as I reached for the next branch, inching ever closer to the stranded feline.

The wind played with the leaves, making shadows on the tree. As Max and I approached the distressed ginger cat, we found sturdy branches side by side, offering us a secure perch to stand on. I extended my hand gently, cooing softly to soothe the poor creature, while Max watched in amazement.

“Here, kitty, it’s okay,” I murmured, my voice a calming lullaby against the backdrop of the night. The cat, visibly reassured, allowed me to place it gently into the tote bag, its wide eyes peeking out from behind the fabric. I carefully put the bag over my shoulder, relieved that the cat seemed relaxed and trusting.

“You’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” Max chuckled, clearly impressed by my feline-whisperer skills. His words sent a tingle down my spine, and I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment.

“Life’s too short for predictability,” I quipped, giving him a cheeky grin before focusing on our descent back to solid ground.

As we began our way down, I realized that climbing up had been the simple part. My foot slipped on a patch of loose bark, causing my heart to leap into my throat. But before I could even let out a gasp, Max was there, his muscular free arm securely wrapped around my waist.

“Careful, Mia,” he cautioned, concern lacing his deep voice. Despite the adrenaline coursing through my veins, I felt safe in his embrace, protected from the dangers lurking in the darkness. He held me for a moment or two longer than required for your average friendly helping hand, and I tried not to show my obvious disappointment when he released me.

“Thanks, Max,” I whispered, my cheeks warming with gratitude. Our hands brushed together as we continued downward, each touch sending a thrilling spark through me.

Feet firmly planted on the ground, Max and I couldn’t help but share a soft, genuine laugh about our impromptu cat rescue mission. The tension in my chest evaporated as we chuckled together, replaced with a warm feeling that bubbled up from deep within me.

To our surprise, a sudden burst of cheers erupted from the street. A cluster of local teenagers, each engrossed with their smartphones, had formed an impromptu audience on the street outside Max’s house. Judging by their excited chatter and eager faces, it seemed they had followed our high-altitude antics and likely caught the entire incident on camera.

“Alright, folks,” Max called out, “show’s over! Time to head home!” They laughed and began to disperse, their chatter fading into the night as they walked away.

“Let’s see who this little adventurer belongs to,” Max said, gently removing the ginger cat from my bag. He carefully read the tag on its collar and raised his eyebrows in recognition. “Looks like Thor here lives just a few streets over.”

“Thor?” I giggled, finding the name both adorable and utterly ridiculous.

“Leave it to me,” Max assured me, cradling Thor in his arms. “I’ll make sure he gets home safe and sound.”

“Thank you, Max,” I replied, filled with gratitude for his kindness, but was he trying to create some distance between us after our physical closeness?

Chapter 12

Earlymorninglightspilledin from the window, gradually warming my skin as I awoke. The ache in my arms and legs from climbing was easy to ignore as I recalled the blissful moments during last night’s cat rescue mission.

Out of nowhere, Lucy burst into my room, her face flushed with excitement, and waved her tablet in front of me.

“Look, Mia! You and Dad are on the Facebook community page!” she exclaimed. I squinted at the screen, spotting Max and myself under the tree, wrapped up in our intimate moment. Logan followed behind his sister, grinning ear to ear.

Before I could wrap my head around the sudden attention, Max’s voice echoed from the hallway, calling me into his office. I threw on a light cardigan and hurried to him, feeling curious and anxious.

Max stood tall in his uniform, his face a blend of amusement and embarrassment. He gestured towards his computer screen, revealing the video stream from last night, now trending in Pebble Point with the hashtag #MaxMoments.

“Seems like we’ve become quite the sensation overnight,” he said, trying to keep a straight face but failing as a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

“Oh, goodness... those teenagers must have been recording us the whole time...” I muttered, feeling my cheeks grow warm. “I didn’t expect anyone to even see that.”

“Neither did I,” Max agreed, running a hand through his short-cropped hair. “But we can’t control what people think or say. We just have to be mindful of our actions moving forward.”

“Right,” I nodded, taking a deep breath and inwardly preparing myself for the inevitable teasing from the town.

I stepped into Pebble’s Brew, always abuzz with town gossip, and was immediately met with playful teasing, giggles, and knowing winks from the locals. Their animated conversations hinted at the day’s hot topic — Max and me.

“Morning, Mia!” called out Zoe, the barista, grinning widely. “Looks like you’ve got yourself quite the fan base this morning.”

“Good morning,” I replied, trying to play it cool despite my blushing cheeks. “Just a flat white, please.”

“Coming right up!” Zoe winked and set to work on my order.

As I waited for my coffee, I couldn’t help but overhear snippets of conversation around me. People were playfully debating whether Max and I were “just friends” or if a romantic angle was brewing between us. The video only added fuel to their speculative fire, and I found myself torn between mortification and secret delight.