Max almost choked on his coffee, coughing as he tried to regain his composure. “Logan, that’s quite a random observation,” he said, attempting to divert the conversation.

I felt my cheeks heat up and tried to hide my flattered smile behind a napkin. It seemed that Lucy and Logan were determined to play matchmaker, and despite their bold tactics, I found myself amused by their antics.

“Alright, everyone,” Max said, trying to change the subject. “Let’s eat and plan our day.”

Over a delightful breakfast, the four of us exchanged ideas for enjoyable activities. With Max by my side and two adorable little matchmakers in tow, anything seemed possible.

Later that day, I stumbled upon Lucy and Logan conspiring in their bedroom. They were hunched over a piece of paper, giggling and whispering to each other excitedly.

“Whatcha doin’?” I asked, trying to get a glimpse of their project.

“Nothing!” they both exclaimed, quickly hiding the drawing behind their backs.

“Alright, well, let me know if you need any help,” I said with a wink, leaving them to their secret plan.

The following evening, as Max and I settled into the living room to discuss household matters, Lucy suddenly turned up the volume on her tablet. ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift filled the air, surrounding us with sentimental melodies.

“Wow, Lucy, this is quite the song choice,” I remarked, raising an eyebrow at her.

“Oh, it’s just my favorite song of the week,” she replied, feigning innocence. “I can’t get enough of it.”

“Sure, sweetie,” I chuckled, exchanging amused glances with Max.

The next morning, I found a hilarious drawing of Max and me with hearts around us, left “accidentally” on the breakfast table. The kids tried to act nonchalant, but their giggles gave away their intentions.

“Okay, you two,” I said, laughing at their matchmaking efforts. “You’ve made your point. But let’s focus on having fun together with me as your nanny, alright?”

“Deal!” Lucy and Logan agreed, grinning from ear to ear.

Although I appreciated the children’s enthusiasm, I trusted that our relationship would develop naturally, driven by genuine emotions.

As I entered the kitchen that evening, my eyes widened at the sight before me. I turned to see Max had followed me and shook his head, smiling. The room was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, and a small table was set with colorful paper plates and napkins. In place of a gourmet meal were bags of chips, candy bars, and soda cans arranged on the table.

“Ta-da!” Lucy and Logan appeared from behind the table, grinning proudly. “We wanted to treat you and Dad to a special thank-you dinner for everything you’ve done for us.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at their adorable efforts. “You two are too sweet,” I said, genuinely touched by their gesture. “But are you sure you don’t want to join us?”

“Absolutely!” Logan insisted. “We’ll eat in our room tonight. You guys have fun!”

With that, the kids hurried off, leaving Max and me to our ‘romantic’ dinner. As we sat down to enjoy the meal, it was impossible not to chuckle at the assortment of junk food before us.

“Alright, next item on the agenda,” Logan announced when he reappeared less than twenty minutes later, holding up a list of movies. “Movie night!”

I scanned the list: Notting Hill, You’ve Got Mail, The Notebook, Sleepless In Seattle. Catching on to their matchmaking scheme, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Wow, you kids did your research, huh?” I teased, raising an eyebrow at Logan, who tried to hide his smirk.

“Yup! We figured it’s been a while since we had a good ole family movie night, so why not? And I found a list on,” he replied, feigning innocence.

“Sounds like fun,” I agreed, my amusement overshadowed by a warm feeling of love for these children who were so eager to see their father and me happy. And though their attempts at matchmaking were transparent, I couldn’t deny the growing connection between Max and myself.

“Let’s get started then!” Lucy chimed in, her enthusiasm is contagious as she pressed play on the first movie.

The sun warmed my face as we strolled through the park the following afternoon, Max and I trailing behind Lucy and Logan. Their laughter filled the air, a delightful soundtrack to our leisurely walk. The scent of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers surrounded us, creating the perfect backdrop for a relaxing afternoon.

“Dad, can we get some ice cream? Me and Logan can go get them if you like?” Max handed the kids a ten-dollar bill, and Lucy immediately grabbed her brother’s hand and dashed off toward the ice cream stand. Max and I exchanged amused smiles, and he gestured to a nearby bench.

“Shall we sit for a bit?” he asked, his deep voice inviting and calm.

“Sure,” I agreed, settling onto the bench beside him. We sat in companionable silence, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the park. I closed my eyes, allowing the gentle breeze to play with my hair, when I heard the excited footsteps of Lucy and Logan approaching.