Josephine waited for a minute until she heard the other side of the line grow quiet. "Hi."
"Hey there." He sounded too happy for her liking.
"I see you were extra busy today?" Josephine waited for him to say something, but when he didn't, she pushed more, "I thought that we were just going to do six bags today."
"You were going to do six bags, I was going to do the storage bins, and I made a last-minute decision to move the spare room furniture into my empty spare room. I figured I wouldn't use it anymore, so why not just get it done while I have time." Steven said the words slowly so as not to step on any toes.
"And…" Josephine waited for him to talk about Lucas's nursery.
Steven chuckled on the other end, "Yes?"
"Why did you start the nursery without me?" Josephine was definitely irritated.
Steven groaned. "I just took all the things that he does not absolutely need; I figured you would be staying with me most of the next nine days anyway. I almost took the crib instead of the portable bed."
"That would have been a line not to cross." Josephine moved to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of wine out. "I am going to enjoy my wine. I will talk to you tomorrow." They said their goodbyes, and both went about one of their last separate nights left.
Two days later, Steven showed up with some movers to pull out most of the oversized furniture. Steven directed them around the things that would not interfere with her staying there the last few nights. Josephine just told him to take all of the furniture. She would blow up an air mattress and camp out in the living room with Lucas for some memorable times before they went. His little gate would stay so he could not wander the empty place.
"Are you sure, Babe?" Steven walked up to her once the movers were out of earshot.
"Yeah, I'm sure." She looked around, taking in all the memories from the moment she moved in, from Lucas's birth, and all the sleepovers with Lana, and she turned to look at Steven. "Actually, tell them to grab the crib and the television. If we are camping out anywhere, it will be at home with you."
Steven smiled and kissed her quickly before rushing off to tell the guys to grab it all. Josephine let Lana know she was taking the plunge, and Lana gave her an enormous amount of grief. Josephine let her rant and set the phone down, muted. Steven walked in and looked at the phone. Josephine shook her head and shooed him away.
Steven had made this move so extremely easy on her. She was able to keep her focus on their son. Everything was done for her, well, almost everything. Steven let her help out a bit when it came to organizing and boxing up the clothes. She sat on the floor and folded and separated for what felt like an hour or two in each room. She wanted to make sure that the important outfits were where they needed them in Josephine's and Steven's vehicles so that they didn't have to search for things when their photoshoot came up that Friday.
It was not much, but she felt she contributed and was able to focus solely on their son and his happiness in the transition. Steven only took Lucas from her when it was time to lock up and say goodbye to Lucas's first home.
Josephine walked through the kitchen, touching the counters slowly. She remembered all the nights baking, the stress of cleaning, and the first foods that Lucas tried. It was also the place where Steven, Josephine, and Lucas had their first meal. She smiled at the beautiful memories.
When Josephine walked down the hall and in and out of the nursery, she teared up a bit. She had spent almost every night in here with Lucas. He would not sleep well at first, so she brought the old air mattress in and slept next to the crib when he woke up for her. She knew sleeping on the old thing took a toll on her, but she did not care.
When she got to her room, her cheeks tinted red. The first thing she thought of was her gripping the comforter while Steven was between her legs. She walked to where the bed used to be, and she hummed in approval at the memory of him taking her while she lay on her side. The feel of him inside her seemed to cause her knees to go momentarily weak.
Steven came up behind her, and Josephine panicked that Lucas was in the car alone; Steven smiled at her and walked up to her. "Lana is outside with him. She looked like she wanted to let me have it, but she bit her tongue and asked me to come find you." Steven spun Josephine around, pulling her back to his front, "Were you reminiscing?"
Josephine hummed and guided his hand down the front of her yoga pants. "I was, uh, also wondering if we have time to get one more go in."
Steven started circling her clit with his finger before moving it further down and slipping it inside of her. "We don't have time for one more go, but we do have time for me to do this for you." He pulled his finger out and then stuck two back in her. She was grinding on his palm as he dipped his fingers deeper and deeper. Her legs started giving out, so Steven moved her until she was pinned between him and the wall. Steven was grinding into her from behind; his fingers worked faster and faster, his palm ground down into her just right, and he kept hitting that perfect spot. Josephine felt his legs keep hers apart just enough, and he decided to try three fingers. She hissed in pain, and then he felt her cum all over his hand.
Steven carefully pulled his hand out of her pants and held up two fingers to her mouth for her to clean off. He took his ring finger and cleaned that one off himself. "So sweet, baby girl."
"That was…" Josephine was out of breath and leaning back on him, "Intense." She was not able to stand on her own for a minute or two. Steven stood holding her while waiting for her breath to even out.
Steven laughed and then headed to the bathroom to wash his hands. He returned with watered-down hands and no towel or paper towel to dry them. "Well, I didn't think that through."
Josephine laughed at him, "I should have left some cleaning supplies so that I could come back and clean."
"No need. I have the cleaning crew I use for the club coming in tomorrow morning to clean everything up." He looked down at his hand. "I may need a baby wipe or something from the diaper bag."
Josephine laughed and disappeared out of the house. She found Lana cooing over Lucas by the car. "Successful goodbye, then? " Lana smirked at Josephine. Josephine replayed all of the dirty goodness in her mind.
"Very." Josephine turned to find Steven walking out and smiling like the cat that ate the canary. "Are you going to come to the new house with us? We can order in some food." Steven nodded to her, and Lana shrugged.
"Are you sure you want me there on your first night?" Lana looked at Steven this time.
Steven laughed at her, "Lana, you are welcome to join us for dinner, but I would like to have Josephine to myself for bedtime."