"I could be better." Steven took the first few steps to the side of the road, waiting for her to register his presence. Nothing hit her yet, but she started looking around, "I have been trying to get a hold of my best friend for about a year and a half now, and when she finally answered," Steven was across the street from the club when he held his breath as he crept closer to take a look at the bouncing baby boy, "she has a young boy with her who looks a lot like me." Steven hung up the phone and watched her entire body still. He was pleased at how well his presence had still set her on edge. He liked making her body react in time with her mind.

Steven shoved his phone into his pocket and leaned over Josie to look at the boy closer. "His name is Lucas." He tried to devise a reason for her to choose that name, and he definitely got hit with it.

"Lucas?" Steven left nothing hanging in the air except for that question. All of the air left his lungs. She was so beyond selfish to keep secrets from him, and she used his middle name for this child. A child he had never met and a child he knew nothing about. If his best friend would name a kid after him, he would know about it.

"He is my son." Josie looked defensive and scared. Steven had never given her reason to feel that way before, so she had to have been seeing someone else. She would have told him if it was his; he was sure of it. The boy was still so young. He could not even be a year old yet. He still had the chubbiness in his cheeks, the rolls on his arms, and the little baby belly sticking out.

"I see." Steven pulled a gold luck coin that Stacey had given him out of his pocket and started to roll it between his fingers. He could feel anger ramping up from interacting with her and needed to focus on something.

"Do you?" Josie sat up straighter, looked at the coin rolling over his fingers and back, and stared him directly in the eyes. "Because you are acting fairly weird about it." She gave a slight nod to the coin.

"Whose child is he, Josie?" Josie's jaw dropped wide open. He could have asked anything else, but that was the first thing that popped out of his mouth. He was automatically hostile to her and felt he had the right to be.

"He is my child, Steven. As I said before." She stood up and pulled a twenty out of her wallet. She slammed it on the table and shoved her purse in the bag underneath. Steven palmed the coin and pocketed it, knowing she would try to make a quick escape. When she tried to walk past him, he grabbed her arm gently but firmly enough to hold her in place and swung her to face him. "Let me go, Steven."

"Who else does this child belong to?" Steven did not care who else was watching or that the little boy was watching him with his head tilted. All he felt was the pure surge of anger taking over him completely, "Tell me."

"Me. He belongs to me. No one else." Josie leaned into him, took both hands, and shoved him away from her as hard as she could. He could not believe that she tried to push him away from her. He never knew her to try to run like she was attempting to do.

"That isn't how babies are made, Josephine Price, and you know it." He stood firm, and his eyes bored fiercely into her. "Did you sleep with someone else right after I left?" He could feel the last inches of calm clinging on.

"Are you insane?!" Josie looked genuinely offended that he would accuse her of sleeping with someone else, but he tried not to show the instant regret that he felt when the words flew out of his mouth. He needed the confirmation that she did not cheat on him, but that would mean she did something else entirely.

"No. I want to know the truth." Steven's heart was racing uncontrollably. "Who is this child's father?" The more he pushed her, the more he was unsure he was making the right choice, pushing for answers.

"Are you sure you want to know?" Josie pasted a vicious smirk on her face, and her eyes narrowed at him. She had started to toy with him. She was being defensive, and on one hand, he could not blame her. Steven regretted pushing her like this, but he had to hear the words coming from her mouth.

"I didn't sleep with anyone else after you left Steven. The only one I have been within the last two years…" Josie leaned in and shoved hard again, making him take a step back from her, "is you."

"No." Steven shook his head and backed up another step. He got what he wanted. An answer, but that meant something even more damaging was done between the two, and it could not be taken back. "There is no way this child is mine."

"How can he not be?" Josie looks at him and rubs his cheek. "The hair, those eyes, and that crooked little smirk. He is all you babe." Josie looked back up, her hazel eyes drilling into his.

"Not a chance in Hell." Steven leaned in, finally caring about the spectators. "You would have told me if I had a kid out there. Not hidden him away from me." Steven was trying to get her to say she had been seeing someone else. The reality of what she said made everything so much worse than if she had just been with someone else.

"Would I?" Josie got both hands on the stroller and walked slowly towards him. "Or would I have kept him to myself since I knew this would be your reaction?" Her face was tinted a deep red.

Steven felt the heat rise in his cheeks, matching his to hers, and he finally yelled the only thing he could think of, "You are a bigger liar than I thought you were." With that, he turned away and walked back into the club. His entire staff stood there with their mouths wide open at the scene unfolding.

"Boss, are you…" Stacey was silenced entirely by a large hand waving her off. There was a scoff that made Steven look her way, and yet he did not even care.

"Get back to work!" Steven's voice sent everyone scrambling to return to anything they could, even if they were done with whatever it was. There was no patience left in him for the day. The anger was fueling him.

Steven was completely lost in his own head. He was running through the timeline and the messages again and again. Nowhere in them did she ever mention having a child. He was kept in the dark because she thought he would push them away. Well, he did a hell of a job at just that when he yelled in her face.

Steven grabbed a glass and filled it with scotch from his personal bar. He again ran through everything in his mind. The boy's face was all he could see, and Josie's pain and anger were written on her face.

"Shit!" He threw the glass against the wall and watched the liquid drip down as the glass tinkled across the floor. He dropped into his chair, leaned forward with his head in his hands, and gripped his hair.

His entire memory of the last two years with her had been tainted by the scene they had outside the club. The scene of her walking up should have made him smile. He could have approached everything differently, but things would have to be handled entirely differently from how he wanted them to. All because he could not keep himself levelheaded.

Chapter thirteen


Josephinecouldnotbelievehow Steven had acted. He wanted to keep pushing her away. He tried to deny that Lucas was his. He was the only one she had been with. She was not the type to sleep around with just anyone in front of her. She had trysts in the past, but nothing only dwindled down to a one-night stand. Josephine was walking quickly with the stroller to return to their little house's safety. Once inside, Josephine slammed the door, waking Lucas up abruptly.

Lucas was crying and screaming. Josephine leaned over the bar of the stroller, her forehead on her hands, staring at the ground. She wanted to pull herself together momentarily before picking up her child. She did not want him to feel the anger coming off of her. She tried to keep everything about their small bubble nice and calm.