"We should get up." Josephine looked at the closet for the yellow sundress and white heels she planned to wear.
"Or…" Steven nuzzled against her, "We should just stay here for a while longer, enjoying our time as an engaged couple." He started nibbling at her earlobe, and Josephine bit her lip again with a small groan of appreciation.
"I need a shower." Josephine was honestly trying to make it to her work event, but Steven's chuckle let her know she would miss the agency brunch in an hour. He had other plans for her. Honestly, she also had some more plans for him.
"We can do that." Steven slid away from her and off the bed while wiggling his eyebrows at her. Josephine giggled and covered her mouth, watching him walk out of the room completely naked. She was completely lost in the feelings of love and fulfillment he gave her in the hours leading up to that moment. The shower went on in the bathroom, and she lifted her head to look at the door.
Steven's head peaked around the corner, and he had a playful grin plastered on his face, "Well, are you getting in the shower with me, or am I doing this alone?"
He disappeared around the corner as Josephine stretched out to the best of her abilities and giggled, feeling just the right amount of happiness and soreness. Her bare feet padded down the hallway, and she stopped just inside the bathroom. He was like a Greek god in the shower. His body is entirely sculpted and good enough to eat.
Josephine opened up the glass shower door and stepped in right behind him. She shut the door and ran her hands up his chest. She let her hands run down his tan sculpted front and wrap around his thick cock. She started moving her hands at an even pace. Steven placed both hands on the wall to hold himself up. When he started pumping himself in her fist, she reached down and massaged his balls, causing her to pick up pace. She let go of his balls and moved in front of him. She got down on her knees, and his eyes opened as he felt her tongue lick the precum from him.
"Oh, shit. Josie," He did not get the chance to get anything further out because she took him in her mouth as far as she could. She started moving slowly initially, with her fist meeting her mouth to make up for what she couldn't take. The other hand gripping his firm thigh to hold himself and herself in place. She let go of his thick length to hold onto both of his thighs. He started pounding in further and further. He gripped her hair in one of his hands to make her look up at him. Her eyes were watering, and her nails looked like they were breaking skin. He let out a hiss of appreciation at the sensations she was giving him. She started taking control, moving him further and further down her throat while she breathed through her nose. She felt him getting thicker and thicker. His pace began to stutter. She groaned around his cock, causing him to moan and swell while the warmth trickled down the back of her throat. She ran her thumb over her lower lip while she stared into his eyes.
"Fuck, Josie."
Josephine felt so proud of herself with the satisfied look gracing his features. "That was the hottest thing I have ever seen."
They finished their showers while occasionally fondling one another. When Josephine got out after him, she saw him on the phone at the counter. He ended the call while she walked up to him in her towel.
"Hey. Was that work?" Josephine was being pulled back to reality. He would leave today to return to work, home, and life.
"Yeah, I have to head home a little earlier than I thought. There were some problems at the club I have to handle." Steven dropped his phone on the counter and pulled her to him. He kissed her forehead and stood up while hanging onto her.
"I get it. I have so many shoots over the next two months, and I don't know when I can get away from here." Josephine felt her smile drop into a slight frown. "I don't know when I will be able to come see you."
Steven hugged her tight, "We will make this work, Josie." He sounded so sure to her. She was hopeful that no matter what happened, he would find a way to make it work for them. He kissed her on the forehead and then went down the hallway. Josephine went back into the bathroom and finished drying her hair. She took a few deep breaths to check herself before saying or doing anything stupid. She returned to her room and threw on some comfy clothes. She did not want to make it look like she was trying too hard for him when they said goodbye. She returned to the living room in time for him to put his luggage next to the door. He was waiting to say goodbye. They both knew something changed permanently for the pair of them.
"How long were you waiting here?" Josephine was surprised to see him leaning against the wall by the door. He looked like a full snack in his suit, and she just wanted to take him back to bed.
"I just got out here." He put his phone in his pocket and fixed his watch before walking up to her for a big hug. Something about the hug had Josephine feeling safe and loved more than she had in a very long time.
"I miss you already." Josephine leaned in and gave him a quick little kiss before he pulled her in for an even bigger one.
"I will find a way to get up here soon. We still have that Hawaii trip I won." Josephine felt pure excitement at his words. He was planning a trip with her. He won everything for her. She had been sitting on cloud nine with him for the entire week.
They were no longer childhood friends or even best friends. They were just more. So much more.
Chapter ten
WakingupnexttoJosephine was something Steven never realized he wanted until it happened. He felt actual joy for the first time in a long time. He knew it was a bubble that would not last, but he wanted to be stuck in that bubble for a while longer. After she joined him in the shower, Steven knew that he was done for. She was everything that he wanted and needed. He knew they would have to talk about everything, but he just wanted to live in the moment for a while longer.
"How long were you waiting here?" Steven looked up to find her staring at him. Those eyes locked him in place. She was not dressed up, but he just appreciated everything about her. His new favorite sight was seeing her without makeup, with her hair up, and in her comfy clothes. He finished appraising her when he realized she had asked a question.
"I just got out here." Her eyes were locked on his, holding him steadily in place.
"I miss you already." Josie leaned in and gave him a quick little kiss before he pulled her in for one he hoped would linger on her lips for days to come. He put his all into the kiss but knew he had to let go. He wanted to ensure she would never forget a moment of their time together.
"I will find a way to get up here soon. We still have that Hawaii trip I won." He was trying to let her know that this was just the beginning for him. He did not want to go back to where they were before.
She walked him out to the car and hugged him tightly one last time before he got in and took off. The entire ride back was painful for him. He wanted to turn around and toss her in the car to bring her home. He wanted to relive every moment, from the kitchen to the room and the shower with her, not just in his mind.
Work the following week was rough, and when they texted each other, it was about their insane schedules. Neither one of them could line anything up so that they could get together. She was all over the country, the world, doing every show she could be scheduled for, and he was locked into so many events and meetings. The last one he sent her a month after his trip up was simple.
I miss you.