Monday: Please be sure to handle everything you need to be ahead of schedule when you leave.

Tuesday: I have a shoot this day at the Biltmore Hotel.

Wednesday: You get in later that day. I am working from home until 5. Catch up, order in, and I'll tell you how grateful I am a thousand times over.

Thursday: The Westmount Agency dinner.

Friday: The Rushmore Dinner for the Childhood Cancer Research Society. The event starts at 5 pm, the silent auction begins at 6, dinner at 7, the silent auction ends at 9, the band and dancing begin at 9:30, and the event is over at midnight.

Saturday: Westmount Agency's annual Biltmore Brunch, and you can head out after.

Your favorite friend in your life thus far,


When Josephine was content enough with the itinerary and having it detailed but manageable, she decided it was the perfect time to send it out. No more hesitation or adjustments; he was doing this for her, and she would be grateful for him and his friendship.

She had a quick shoot at the Cape Florida Lighthouse with Lana to prepare for. She was going to drop the bomb that her fiancé was able to make some adjustments in his schedule and be here for the event.

Showing up ready for hair and makeup, Josephine felt the bounce in her step. She was prepared to open up about who her man was, especially since she had known him forever, but she did not want to give too much away. Josephine knew Steven had a bit of a promiscuous past, and she was unsure how much of that was still a way of life for him. She sat in the chair, letting hair and makeup get her ready for whatever Stella had in mind for the shoot when Lana walked in.

"Well, well, well, hello, soon-to-be-miss married." She leaned in for the double air kiss to avoid damaging the team's work.

"Hello, Lana." Josephine picked up her phone and kept reloading her inbox for a response from Steven.

"You took off pretty quick last night." She dropped her bag on her stand and turned back to Josephine.

"I had a video date with my fiancé. Not that you needed to know." Josephine tried loading it one more time.

"Well, how did it go?" Lana was prodding for information, but Josephine wanted to be careful about how much she put out there.

"Key West is a bit insane, so I must grab his time whenever possible." Lana sat up a little straighter and leaned forward, trying to catch a peek at her phone, but Josephine tilted it down and set it face down in her lap.

"Oh, so he doesn't even live here in Miami."

"Nope. Never said Steven did. I don't tell you much about our personal lives together. We like to be a more private couple." Lana seemed to take that in for a second before nodding in a final understanding that some people are different from her. However, Josephine also knew she would poke and prod whenever she found a shot at it.

"I am so glad he is coming up for this! You have seemed a little down lately, and you need to smile and have an amazing night with all of us!" Lana starts frantically texting, and Josephine knows Hank is on the other end.

"I have missed him a lot while we have both been so busy, but him being here will fix all of that distance we have to put up with physically." Josephine realized that what she was saying was true. She missed her friend, and they had been apart for so long, at that point, that this whole situation would be a fantastic chance to catch up and be closer to Steven again.

"Ugh! I love love!" Lana looked excited but a little mischievous, and that alone had Josephine raising a brow.

"So, who are you bringing?" It was Josephine's turn to pry.

"Hank, of course!" Lana was leaning every which way, driving her team nuts while they were trying to prepare her. "We always go together if we can't find someone else. You know this."

"That I do." Josephine started looking at her nails and acting as if Hank's presence would not bother her.

"We will be the best-looking couple there, of course." Lana was throwing Josephine a wink when Josephine started laughing.

"That is not exactly true. Just wait until you see Steven and I together." Josephine watched Lana get a little flustered because Josephine never fired back, even in friendly jabs.

"A friendly competition for the night it is." Lana and Josephine made their small pinkie promise motion from the separate chairs and returned to looking at their phones when an e-mail popped up.

Itinerary adjustments.

Some things needed to be addressed and changed to improve the sale of our engagement.