When he got out front, he noticed her in the gala dress, only it was shorter. It hugged her body in all the right places, and he was trying not to let his thoughts stray from the task at hand. She started picking at her hair and was using the side mirror to mess with her makeup when Steven finally stepped up beside her.

He placed his hand on the small of her back. "You look absolutely breathtaking." Steven kissed her cheek, and he saw her start to blush furiously. "I am definitely the luckiest man alive."

Josie smiled at him and whispered out closely, "Don't you ever forget it." Josie winked at him and took his hand in hers. Steven leads her to the entrance. This was the moment he had waited years for. He was going to propose to the woman he loved.

Steven guided her through the restaurant, and she stopped when she saw how empty it was. "Why is it so empty?"

Steven raised a hand, guiding her past the tables to where they could watch the sunset. "I felt like we needed the night to ourselves, so I decided to rent the place out."

Josie smiled quietly to herself, "This is beautiful. Thank you for doing this for us." She leaned into him and was caught off guard when he stepped back from her. She turned to face him and watched him drop down onto one knee.

Steven cleared his throat and began, "Josephine, I have loved you for almost our entire lives. We have been through more than any one couple should have to face. We have gone for far too long without one another, too many times to count. I have missed every single moment of your presence when you were gone. When I was gone." Steven was watching a silent tear roll down her face, "I promised you love, safety, passion, commitment, honesty, and many other things, like some good memories in our new… home. I will deliver on all the things I promised and more from now until the end of our lives." Josie let out a choked sob with a smile, "I promise to take care of you and Lucas, to give you everything you could ever want and need, and then some. I promise to never walk away from you, even when things get hard. I promise to hold onto your heart and protect it more fiercely than anything I have ever protected before. You deserve all of that and so much more." She stared at him, and he was starting to shake. "I am grateful for every moment of being in your presence. I am in awe of your beauty, your kindness, your compassion, and I am never surprised at how caring you are as a person but mostly as a mother to our son." Steven reached into his jacket pocket, "Josie, will you make me the happiest man in the entire world? Will you marry me?"

Steven watched her head bob in a swift nod. She let him slide the ring onto her shaky hand. Once it was on, he picked her up, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, that nod was a yes?"

"Yes! It was a yes!" He kissed her deeply and watched her jump as everyone popped out from where they were hidden, clapping and cheering them on. It took Josie a minute to fully understand who was cheering them on. She spotted almost everyone important to her, including their son, in the most adorable mini tux she had ever seen.

"Mama! Wing!" Lucas was pointing at the ring, and Josie turned to look at Steven with a raised brow.

Jules looked at Josie. "I told him that Dad was giving Mama a significant ring, so he had to be quiet for the surprise."

Steven laughed, "I am surprised that worked! He usually can't help himself when Josie is near. He takes off at a run."

Jules ran her fingers through Lucas' hair. "Trust me, he tried. We had to go to the hall and wait for them all to start clapping."

Josie took Lucas in her arms and began accepting hugs from everyone. She went to sit down and found Lana waiting at the table for her. Steven smiled and winked at Lana.

"Wait!" Josie looked between the two. "You knew?"

Lana laughed and stood up in her tall heels. "Of course, I knew. I helped pick that baby out for you and ensured it arrived on time." She pointed straight at Steven, "You should have seen how nervous this guy was. He was shaking like a leaf."

Steven wrapped his arms around Josie and kissed Lucas on the cheek, "I was not that nervous. Don't listen to her."

Lucas was squirming to get to Auntie Lana, so Josie set him down so he could reach her. "Hey there, handsome! Are you my date tonight?"

"Uh-huh!" Lucas gave Lana tons of little smooches, and Lana squeezed him tighter. Josie leaned back into Steven, and he felt the truth of how happy they were at that very moment.

Dinner was filled with laughter, smiles, stories from high school that never should have been told, and fun stories about Lucas. Steven and Josie were sitting so close she could put her head on his shoulder and watch everyone. He tilted his head towards the crown of hers and gave her a gentle kiss.

"What was that for?" Josie asked quietly.

Steven smiled down at her, "I just love you." She leaned back and stared at him. "I want a short engagement. Let's not wait anymore. I have waited for you for most of my life, and I think it is safe to say we are not letting go."

Josie bit her lip and seemed to think about it, "I think we should wait until after he is two. He deserves his own celebration, and then we can go for it. That gives us about two to three months. Do you think a wedding will be doable in that amount of time?"

Steven spotted Stacey walking past the table and just barely caught her arm. "So, what can you whip up for a birthday party in two months and a wedding in three?"

Stacey looked like she was ready to panic. "Both events? On top of the club events?"

Steven smiled, "And a pay raise?"

Stacey smiled at him and pulled up her tablet as if she was really having to think it over. "I can make that all work, " she said. She looked at Lucas and gave him a tiny wave. "We," she pointed at Josie, "will meet in a few days to discuss details. For now, I must stop your friends from streaking around the place." She scoffed, "In a fancy establishment of all places!"

Josie laughed, "Models don't know how to keep clothes on, Stacey; it is part of the charm!"

Steven rubbed her neck, "It is definitely part of your charm. Should we call it a night?"

Josie looked around and shook her head, "Not yet; I am really just enjoying this." She looked sad for a moment, "She didn't come." Josie and her mom had their issues, but even I thought she would have shown up for her daughter's proposal.