Lana smirked at him, "These are all of her favorite things. I always brought them over to stock up on. Just tell her that you noticed them and wanted to surprise her with them today."
Steven smiled at her. "You are brilliantly devious. You know that?"
"Thank you." Lana took a little bow and kept walking around with him. "I need you to make me a promise, Steven,"
Steven looked at her, "Okay. What is this promise?"
"Promise me it won't end like the last engagement you two had. I don't want to be picking her up off the floor again when you disappear and go slinking off to the trampy ex," She held up her hand before Steven could interrupt, "I know it was not intentional, nor did you slink, but she was absolutely heartbroken and devastated."
Steven spins Lana to look him in the eyes, "I promise. This is nothing like last time, Lana. I didn't ever want to hurt her then, and I do not intend to hurt her now."
Lana took that as everything she needed to hear and nodded at him. "Okay, I will contact Stacey. You better hurry. I bet she will text you with more things if you aren't out of here before she gets the chance."
Steven laughed and took her advice with a cartful of things for Josie, Lucas, and himself. When he got home, he was unloading bag after bag. Josie's eyes went wide. "What is all this?"
Steven remembered what Lana told him to say, "I kept seeing these things all pop up when we were at your old place; I figured you would like a little surprise. I may have had to text Lana when I couldn't remember some of the things."
Josie was digging through the bags and pulling things out. Her smile was so big it just about stopped Steven's heart. "This is so sweet! Thank you so much!" She pulled out a little bag of cookies and hopped up on the counter.
"I am still going to make you dinner, so don't fill up on those." Steven pointed at the bag, and Josie waved him off.
Josie watched him walk towards the monitor to see Lucas rolling around in the crib. "I think he was waiting for you. Do you want to bring him his bottle of milk? I never got to it because I got stopped by cookies."
Steven grabbed the bottle of milk and walked into his son's room.
"Dada!" Lucas popped up for goodnight hugs and kisses.
Steven picked him up and gave him his bottle. He gave him three big kisses and laid him down. "I love you more than you will ever know, Lucas."
"Love yeeew." Lucas had said it a few times before but had yet to repeat it to Steven. His heart was bursting with happiness all day. He walked out of the room and back to the kitchen.
Josie jumped off the counter and approached him. "I hope those cookies will keep you happy with me, " she said.
Josie stepped back and took another bite of the cookie. "And why would you need the cookies to keep me happy?"
Steven cleared his throat and moved around the island to put away groceries out of Josie's reach. "I talked to Jules today," Josie dropped the cookie back into the bag before it could even reach her mouth, "I invited her over for dinner tomorrow night to meet Lucas."
"You did what, now?" Josie was furious, but she was trying not to yell. She looked over at the monitor.
Steven sighed and looked her in the eye, "My sister is still a part of my family, and I really want her to know my son. Our son. I told her that what happened in high school was a huge misunderstanding. She was really pissed at Mace, but then again, I think we all are."
Josie leaned with both hands on the counter, "I don't want any arguments or BS from her, Steven. If she even gets loud once around our son and tries to start a problem, I want her gone." Josie took a deep breath, "We are starting a life together, Steven and she can either be a part of it or she can stay out of it."
Steven moved around the counter to hug her, and he was glad she did not shoot it down entirely.
Chapter twenty-five
Ithadbeentwoweeks of visits with Jules, and Josephine was pleasantly surprised at how much she had changed. She was more accepting now that the truth was out there. She never meant to hurt Steven, and Macy was playing games that never should have been played. Lucas seemed to take a shine to her, but then again, her son loved everyone.
Josephine woke up feeling refreshed and ready to start her day. She wanted to make breakfast for her and Lucas since it was a club day for Steven, and she wanted to get some work done. She jumped out of bed and changed into something comfortable yet easy to adapt if necessary for outings.
Lucas was singing to himself in his crib when she grabbed him out. She got him changed and ready to eat. She turned on a movie for him to watch from his highchair and cut up some strawberries. He was going to town on them while she scrambled eggs. She made some sausage to cut up for him as well. He was working on using his utensils, and Josephine thought it was the most adorable thing.
"Mommy has work to do today, Bub. We both have ads ready for a launch next week, and Mama wants to ensure they are perfect." Lucas was not paying attention to her as much as his movie with the singing fish, but Josephine pretended he agreed with her.
"Mama, all done." Lucas was getting so much better with his words the closer he got to two. Everything was moving so fast. It has been a year since Steven found out, ten months since we started truly moving forward with a routine, and a few months since we decided to move in together. They were a perfect little family.