Steven rolled his body back off of the front of hers and tried to look sad about having to wait. He was trying not to seem too eager now that he was in the bargaining phase of this situation. "So, I have to wait a week and a half to have you both in our house?" He tilted his head to look at her with fake puppy dog eyes.

"We can start slowly moving things over and spending the night a few nights next week, " Josie said, laying her arms on his chest and her head on top of them where they were crossed. "That way, he can adjust. Plus, if I bring more over to your house every time we come, we won't have as big of a move when my lease is up."

Steven looked down at her face, memorizing every small, beautiful detail gracing her features, and smiled lazily at her. "So, why don't we start tomorrow?"

Josie was clearly thinking about some type of excuse or an actual one. "I have plans with Lana all day and a video meeting after dinner." Josie was tapping her fingers on his chest, and he was feeling the pattern repeatedly; it almost seemed to lull him into the peaceful silence with her. "How about we plan for Tuesday night? We will come over for dinner. I can bring a few bags of things, and then we will stay the night."

Steven thought it over, then asked, "I don't have a crib yet, but we can get one tomorrow before Lana arrives."

Josie shook her head. "She will be here right away. We have a breakfast date." She yawned and closed her eyes while she was lying on his chest. "I can bring his collapsible with me, and then we can go and get a new one together."

"That sounds perfect." Steven ran his hand through Josie's hair. "You are falling asleep."

"No, I am not." Josie yawned again, stretching out her legs a little bit. "You are."

Steven nudged her until she moved up his chest a little, where he could tuck her under his arm. "I'm tired, but I am not the one passing out in the middle of a conversation, " he said, starting to hum.

Josie opened her eyes and stared up at him, "Are you trying to keep me awake right now?" She looked amused and irritated at the same time.

Steven smiled, "How about this? We wake up and pack three large bags for each of you, and I will take them to the house for you tomorrow while you go do your day with Lana?"

Josie seemed to mull it over, "What would I pack in these bags?"

"For Lucas, one with essentials, one with clothes, and one with toys." Josie nodded at the list he created for her. "For you, clothes, essentials, and toys for us?"

Josie lightly slapped him on the chest, "You know nothing of my toys! How about some of the bins from storage."

"I knew you had toys! Where are they?" Steven playfully tried to move her off his chest so he could go searching when she yanked him back down to the position she was clearly comfortable in.

"They will not make an appearance for a long time to come, sir." Josie looked innocent yet mildly offended at his assumption that she had such things hidden with her son in the other room.

Steven groaned and ran a hand over his face. "You know what that word does to me?"

Josie shifted her position on him and nipped his chest. "Oh, I know." She kissed where she nipped. "You need to work for those, though."

Steven fisted her hair and pulled her head back so she could look into his eyes, "I will work as long as it takes for whatever you are willing to give me."

Josie narrowed her eyes, "Are you seriously thinking about going again? I am exhausted, and nothing below my waist works right now."

Steven laughed heartily at her, rolling to his side to snuggle against her. "I can wait a few more hours for things to be back in working order." Josie rolled over, checking Lucas's video monitor, and saw him sleeping soundly. Steven scooted up behind her and kissed her shoulder.

"Do you think we are doing the right thing for him?" Josie's eyes were closing while he watched her watching the monitor.

Steven took a few deep breaths and proceeded cautiously, "I think that giving him a family life where we can coexist without shuffling him back and forth all the time will be the best thing for him. I also think him seeing both of us being happy with each other and with him will be worth it."

"You know nothing is perfect all the time, right?" Josie whispered out.

Steven chuckled, "You and I have always been able to bicker and then figure things out. I don't see anything that would make us stop being a family."

"Things are harder with a child, Steven." Her voice got quieter as if he was almost quieting her mind and her doubts.

Steven wanted to be careful with how he said the next part, "Things are harder, but some things are easier. I know how you and Lucas function. I watch you every single day that I'm here with him. Things will not always be easy. He will end up in sports and activities, we will both have to work our jobs around his schedules, he will be sick, and one of us will have to shift things around to prioritize him, but we will figure it all out as it comes."

"Expensive." Josie was down to one-word answers. Steven knew he did not have much longer until she was down for the count.

"If you think that money will ever be an issue, then you don't notice how closely I pay attention. The club brings in a large amount of money. You started your own agency and model with our son, and he has a great savings started on his own. We are a fortunate family. We will never want for anything, and if you just want to cut back on one thing, you can. I will always support you in whatever path you take." Steven couldn't tell if she was still awake listening to him.
