The trio sat at the table and ordered their pizza. While they waited, Lucas snacked on puffy cereal snacks. He shoved an extra one in, and Josie leaned forward quickly, "Woah, not too many, okay?"
Lucas smiled at her and put it in his mouth anyway, just to be silly and sassy. Josie looked at me with a raised brow and said, "This kid is all you."
"I'm okay with that." Steven sat back and watched them color on the little menu together until the food arrived. In contrast to the noisy surroundings, they ate in calm silence, and Steven enjoyed just being in their presence.
Josie took Lucas out of the stroller and brought him to the toddler play zone, where he could run and dance freely. No one could tell that he had napped much. He was running around playing with the other kids and stopping to dance when a new song started.
"We might have made the cutest child in the world." Josie tilted her head to the side and pursed her lips, assessing the other kids compared to Lucas.
Steven looked around and put his arm behind her chair, watching him closely. "I think that is a pretty safe assumption." He started playing with the tendrils of hair hanging loose from her low, messy bun. Josie leaned into his side with her feet touching the gate.
Lucas sat down and slowed down on playing. He let out a big yawn and looked around slowly, clearly tired. Josie elbowed Steven, and he looked at their son. She made the decision for all of them, "I think it is time to take the walk home." Josie moved slowly away from Steven's touch back into the reality of everyone else around them.
Steven got up and grabbed Lucas out of the play area. He fussed a bit and stopped the second he saw his bottle sitting in the stroller, waiting for him. Steven buckled him in, dropped him back down, and gave him his blanket and bottle. "Let's head out." Josie was grabbing her stuff when Steven handed her cell phone back to her.
"Thank you. I keep losing it." She rolled her eyes and shoved it in her back pocket. Steven stared at her roundness in the back of her shorts, appreciating her just as much as when they had spent that night together after the gala.
Steven smirked and put his sunglasses on. He started pushing the stroller through everyone when their waitress looked down at Lucas and cooed goodbye at him before sending a flirty look Steven's way.
"I am literally standing right here." Josie's voice cut through the waitress's attempt to create a mood, and while the waitress was good-looking, Steven only had eyes for Josie. The waitress rolled her eyes and walked away from the pair.
Steven got the stroller outside, and they started their walk back when he started chuckling. Josie whipped her head to his, "What's so funny?"
"You were jealous." Steven watched her eyes widen, and then he started laughing hysterically as she shook her head in denial.
"I was not jealous; I was annoyed. Who flirts with the father while the woman he was clearly with was right there?" Her face got red, and she folded her arms over her chest.
Steven smiled and shrugged, "Our waitress, apparently." They walked in silence for a while, and then Josie bumped Steven out of the way so she could push Lucas the rest of the way to her place. She was clearly aggravated that he had suggested she was jealous.
"Listen, I was joking about the jealous thing. Seeing you so… protective of Lucas and me was just cute." Steven watched her pull Lucas out carefully to get him inside for bed. He followed her and stood at the door watching her with their son. He loved watching how easily things flowed with both of them.
Josie started singing a lullaby when he started fussing a bit. Her voice soothed him so quickly it was amazing to watch. Lucas stopped moving, and Josie walked up to him and stared at him. He stopped breathing, scared to move and have her walk away from him. She stepped into his space and slowly got up on her toes. He pulled her to him gently, and he put his hand lightly on the back of her neck. He let her pull him down the rest of the way with her hand on the back of the neck.
When their lips touched, Steven's heart could have exploded with happiness. He had wanted to kiss her for months. He also did not want to scare her away from the possibility of them being the family that Lucas needed. He took a chance and deepened the kiss. She let him in for a moment and then pulled away.
He was happy to accept it would not have gone further, but instead of walking away, she grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall. He slowed down at the guest room he stayed in, but she pulled him further to her bedroom door.
"Are you sure?" Steven heard the gravel in his voice when he asked, but he knew what he hoped she was leading him to. She nodded at him, and he took her by the hips and guided her backward into her room.
Chapter twenty-one
"Listen,Iwasjokingabout the jealous thing. It was just cute to see you so… protective of Lucas and I." Josephine pulled Lucas out of the stroller and ignored his protective statement. She wanted to focus on putting Lucas down for bedtime. She could feel him follow her to the nursery, standing at the door watching her with their son. She enjoyed his presence in their lives, and he was not hovering; he was watching them and enjoying the family life.
Lucas started fussing, and Josephine decided to start singing a lullaby. Lucas was soothed so quickly once she began to sing, and it was her favorite thing to watch. Lucas stopped moving, and Josie placed him in the crib gently. She walked up to Steven after she noticed him still watching and stared at him. Steven looked like a deer in headlights when I finally approached him. She stepped into his space, lightly touching his abdomen, and slowly rose up on her toes. Steven pulled her to him gently, and he put his hand lightly on the back of her neck. She felt a spark deep inside her pulling her to him like a magnet. He stopped moving to let her take control and pull him down the rest of the way with her hand on the back of his neck, touching the end of his hair.
When their lips touched, Josephine felt her heart ready to combust. For the last week or so, she had been waiting for him to take the leap of faith and kiss her, but he seemed hesitant. She was worried he would not want to kiss her back because of everything. He deepened the kiss, and Josephine knew they needed to move out of their son's bedroom door and down the hall.
Josephine grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hall. He slowed down at the guest room he stayed in, which caused her to be slightly confused, but she pulled him a little more right up to her bedroom door.
"Are you sure?" Steven's voice was low and gravelly, sending butterflies through her stomach, and wetness pooled in her panties. He watched her carefully, letting her take the lead until the moment she nodded at him, and he grabbed her by the hips and guided her backward into her room.
Josephine took her shirt at the hem and pulled it up over her head. Steven walked up to her and ran his hands up her sides and over her bra. He took her face in his hands and pulled her to him, kissing her passionately. Her legs almost gave out from underneath her, and the moan that escaped her mouth tipped him right over the edge. His hands were down around her thighs and lifting her off the ground before she could even register what he was doing. His left hand held her in place against him while her hips clung on tight. His right hand slid up her back and unclasped her bra.
She leaned back and let him remove the straps one by one. Before either of them could move, Josephine said the words that had been stuck to the tip of her tongue, "My heart is yours. You've shown me how much you want this, and I want you to know how much I want you."
He pulled her lips back to his. She moaned and opened her mouth for him as his tongue licked at her lips. Their tongues started to dance together slowly. He laid her down on her bed and stood straight to pull his shirt off. She moved to unbutton and slide her shorts down, but he stopped her with his hands.