Steven gathered all the stroller necessities and packed them up to go. When he walked back in, Josephine was frantically looking through drawers and cabinets.

"What are you looking for?" His voice made her jump, and he could not help but chuckle.

She started opening the pantry and digging through things, "I set my phone down somewhere." She slammed the pantry door, "I can't find it."

Steven grabbed her phone from the little key tray on the entry table and held it up, waiting for her to turn around. She kept going with her back to him, "Hey. You set it in the tray."

She whipped around and sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "I swear I am losing my mind right now." She walked over to grab it from Steven, and he held the phone up further than she could reach. She held her hand out to him, and he set it gently in her hand while leaning in for a sneak kiss on the cheek.

"Take a breath. I'll go get the tornado into his stroller." Steven left her in the house when he walked out to the garage with Lucas.

He heard footsteps followed by Lana's voice, "And where are you going for today's adventure?"

"The plan is the park this morning and that new kiddie pizza place that opened up. We think he will like it." Lana tapped her sunglasses on her chin and nodded in approval.

"I have been trying to call her, but it kept going to voicemail. I got worried." Lana leaned over Steven to give Lucas little smooches on the cheek. "Just so you know, I am always open for babysitting if you need a date night. I'm sorry if an adult night was needed." She smiled at Steven, and he nodded at her with a smirk on his face.

Lana disappeared inside, and Steven leaned over to Lucas, "I think Auntie Lana is trying to play matchmaker for Mama and Daddy." Lucas smiled up at Steven and clapped his hands.

Steven was sitting with his son, talking to him about the toys he was playing with, when the door to the house opened, and the two women came out. "Lana, are you joining us today?"

"Oh. No. I don't do the whole park thing unless it is a strictly Auntie day or a special celebration." Lana flipped her hair over her shoulder and waved as she walked out.

Josie laughed and grabbed the stroller. "Let's go get this family day started!" She had an extra bit of pep in her step as they headed down the road to the park. Steven was walking behind them, appreciating the view, when he started smiling to himself. Josie had changed into his favorite pair of shorts.

"Steven, if you don't stop staring at my butt and pick up pace to walk with your family, I am going to make you push this stroller." She looked over her shoulder at him, smirking.

Steven picked up the pace to catch up, "You would not have to make me do anything. I will gladly push this stroller all day, every single day." Steven caught up and bumped her with his hip so that he could take over.

They reached the park and entered the small gated section for toddlers. Josie pulled Lucas out of the stroller and immediately took him to the swings. She pushed him, and Steven stood back, taking pictures. His son was so enamored with the swings that they might have been there for two hours if we had let him.

Steven wanted to take him on the slide, and Lucas found his new favorite thing. He would toddle around on his little feet as he got used to the tiny stairs. He smiled at Steven and giggled as he stepped off the small drop-down. Josie snapped pictures behind them and had them smile for the camera as Lucas discovered new things.

"I think I found a new favorite day." Josie walked up to them to pick up Lucas. Their son was anything except excited to leave the park. He was having so much fun playing in the sand, hitting the little musical instruments, and going down the slide repeatedly. When Josie finally caught him, Lucas tried squirming out of her arms, but Josie held firm.

Steven approached them and blew raspberries on the boy's cheek, which made the boy giggle and cling to Josie tighter. "I am loving this day, too. Let's go get lunch."

The walk to the pizza place was a good thirty-minute walk, so Lucas took a short nap before they got there. Josie and Steven took that opportunity to talk, which he had not expected.

"Thank you for giving me this time with Lucas," Steven spoke quietly so they did not rouse Lucas before they got there.

Josie looked at him and smiled. "Well, I wasn't going to cut you out without giving you the chance to show us what kind of dad you can be for him." She took a few more steps and continued, "I was worried you would turn us away again after how you reacted." She looked so worried, saying the words out loud.

"I messed up. I know I did, but this is my kid. This is your kid. Even if he wasn't mine, we both know I never would have been able to turn him or you away. No one who is a part of you will ever not be loved by me." Steven looked down at the stroller and then back at her.

Josie let out a low sigh. "I think a part of me always knew that, but I was still worried about it." She bit her lip and slowed her pace a little bit.

"I get it." Steven wanted to avoid pushing further into that conversation. He knew how sensitive the topic of him handling her announcement was for her. He said and did many things he wished he could take back, but he was lucky she had started bending for him on how much alone time he could have as a family and a dad. He just wanted to enjoy the day with her and Lucas. More importantly, he wanted them to enjoy their time with him.

The last few minutes of the walk were quiet and serene. He enjoyed her presence thoroughly. The fact that he got to be close to her is everything. He felt sparks, but he did not know if she felt them, too.

Buddy's Pizza Palace was full of families. The lights were bright, and the red accents brightened the place even more. Kids were everywhere, running around and singing with the large animatronic singing animals. The older kids seemed to know the dance moves, too. There was a gated-off playground for the younger children to play in, and Josie immediately approved of that.

Lucas woke up almost as soon as they got in the building. At first, he was a little fussy until he noticed the animals singing and dancing. He immediately changed to bouncing around and clapping with them. The giggle fits he had sent Josie made her smile even bigger. He was squirming, trying to get out of the stroller to dance with all the kids.

Josie shook her head at him and spoke lovingly and gently to him, "No, baby. We need to eat first, then you can go sing and dance." Lucas gave her an angry face, and Steven could not hold back his booming laugh. Just seeing his son interact with Josie and how he adapted to the change in environment was something he enjoyed watching. Lucas is already a free spirit who goes from zero to hyper, just like he did as a child.

His child was just like him, and he felt luckier than ever. He did not know if he would ever get over it, though. The happy-go-lucky kid was so smart and definitely full of sass, and he knew he could charm anyone into doing anything for him.