"You can kiss me a few times, run your hands over me when we dance, do the whisper in the ear thing, and do the normal affectionate arm around me and kiss on the forehead and cheek." She was playing with the end of the sweater she was wearing. "I need it to be enough for them to leave me alone about dating other people."
Steven was trying to think of a response that could be quick-witted and fun, but all he could muster out was, "Sounds good." He turned back to his computer, pretending to read it. Steven stopped working when she did not walk out or away, and he turned to look at her. She walked right up to him and put her lips on his. They were still for a moment until they both felt more relaxed. Steven felt his heart speed up, his mind could not stop wanting more, his body was starting to react, and he pulled her in to deepen it. She let him in momentarily before pushing herself back and walking towards her room to get ready.
"There, now it won't be awkward." She shut the door, and Steven just stared at it.
Steven took the next hour to shower and get himself ready to go. His black-on-black suit hung on the back of the door, waiting for him to be prepared for this. Everything in him after that kiss said his relationship with Josie after the Gala would not be the same. That kiss was still running through his mind. It ran through his mind so much in the shower he needed to give himself some relief at the thought of her mouth on him. He could no longer see her as just his best friend from childhood. He saw her as more. Much more. He would try to take this event and, this time, show her what could be between them.
Steven slipped on the suit jacket and added the watch Josie sent him a few years ago. This way, he would be wearing something from her just as she would now be wearing something from him. The thought suddenly popped into his head,"She is still wearing the ring, and she never took it off,"it made him smile. She openly said she was his when she wore it, and he liked knowing that. He liked having that feeling of assurance with her. He would convince her to keep it. She would fight him as always about gifts, of course, but she would relent eventually.
He walked into the living room, and she had yet to appear, so he sat back down at the computer to get another e-mail or two sent out before they had to head out.
When Steven caught her reflection in the window, he felt his lungs stop working. He stared at her in the window as she stared at his back. He was about to help her put on the show of a lifetime and was unsure he could ever stop. Her black satin gown dropped down between her cleavage. It kissed the floor lightly around her heels. The slit went up to the top of her thigh, and the bodice was tight in all the right places. She did a little turn, and the fabric was in a deep V to the bottom of her spine; a light silver chain dangled from the black choker at her neck. He felt himself hum in appreciation before he heard himself. When he looked into her eyes, her cheeks were red, and something was looking back at him. It was a mutual appreciation for how astonishing they were about to look standing arm in arm at the event.
"So, is this to your liking," she hesitated momentarily, "babe."
"I have never seen anything more to my liking than what is right in front of me." He reached a hand for hers and spun her in a circle slowly.
"I am so glad you approve," she smiled, "because I will not attempt to get into the other dress I bought. That was ridiculous, and I have no idea what I thought when I spent three grand on it."
"This is simple, beautiful, perfect, and completely you." He looked her up and down several times before turning her to the door. He gave her a little pat on the butt, "Now move it, future Mrs. Calhoun. We don't want to be late like last night."
"Yes, sir." Steven really needed to talk to her about doing that. It did something to him when she said it as opposed to anyone else, and while he genuinely appreciated it, there was something about the way she had said it this time that could get them both into a world of trouble with one another.
The pair made their way outside, where Steven found himself helping her into the car; Josephine had to fight her way in so that her dress would not wind up ruined. She did not want a wrinkle to be seen. Steven had flashbacks of getting her in the car and to the prom in her prominent, poofy, princess-red dress and started laughing at her.
"What is so funny?" Josephine looked a little offended.
"Think prom, Josie. It will come to you." By the time he got into the car, they were both laughing about how she probably looked then and, at that moment, getting into a vehicle of any size.
The drive over to the Miami Convention Center was not exactly quiet. They filled it with small talk and memories of prom. He liked to remind her this was not technically their first date because of the prom, and she wanted to remind him that he was always her knight in all-black armor.
He pulled up to the valet and got out, handing his keys to the first valet while watching the second valet make his way over to help Josephine out of the car. He was almost sure he felt jealousy when watching someone else take her hand in their own. Steven straightened his suit before meeting Josephine to walk her inside.
"I can already tell you will be the most radiant woman in the room." He wanted to take her attention off the valet, who showed her the most winning smile he could muster.
"We aren't even inside yet, Steven." Josephine started playing with her dress and making adjustments before cameras could start snapping their photos on the red carpet into the building.
"I know." He smiled winningly at her while looping his arm through hers, feeling they were ready to walk into this event like a real engaged couple. They posed and smiled briefly, making sure to show her ring off against the dark black of his suit.
"Don't worry about it. They are eating this up." He whispered into her ear. Her shoulders visibly relaxed, and she smiled innocently at him.
"Thank you. For everything. I know you didn't sign up for the publicity." Steven took that chance to lift her chin with two of his fingers and gently kiss her lips. He leaned his forehead on hers and smiled. Their eyes were locked momentarily before someone moved them along on the carpet.
"Just take a breath before we walk in there." He squeezed her arm, and they took that step through the door. There would be no turning back now. It was time for them to put on the show of a lifetime.
Chapter seven
WalkinguptotheConvention Center was a beautiful sight to see. Everyone was wearing a golden ribbon for the amazing cause they were there to support. The lights were bright with a sparkling golden filter all the way through the main hall. The room was set up beautifully. Tables decorated with golden accents, black tablecloths, white lilies, and fairy lights line the room. The mirrored ceiling reflected everything back into the room, making the lights brighter. The glow made everyone look even more beautiful than they already did, and Josephine was taken aback by it all.
This event brought the whole community together, no matter which part they came from or who they had problems with. Businesses donated many items, time, and money to help needy children. There were always rival agencies, hotel big-wigs and their spouses, and some of the number one stores and restaurants in the area were here, and then she spotted it, the table full of doctors and hospital big-wigs. They seemed to be surrounded by everyone thanking them for help in the fight.
"What would you like to do first, love." Hearing Steven say love sent Josephine's heart fluttering through.
"I think we should go and make our rounds at the Westmount Agency's table." She squeezed his arm, and he kissed her cheek gently.
"Let's go greet your friends." He started walking and pulled her away from where she was admiring the room and the beautiful setup.